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RE: My First Car..... Steemit #myfirstcar Challenge

in #myfirstcar7 years ago

It's almost unbelievable how much the car modification culture has changed over the years. I'm sure I'd have loved to have a stickered up Almera when I was younger, and I'm sure others would too. I find it interesting how almost everyone's taste seems to evolve at the same time. Sure, we were younger back then, but we don't see that many fresh drivers running this style today, so I keep thinking that social media guides everyone in the same direction, which might not always be a bad thing. What's your thoughts about this? What made your taste in cars change?


You are right, social trends did play a part of my choices but ultimately I was looking for speed at an affordable price. This led me onto the road of buying Subaru's, great price per performance and from there I just got hooked on Japanese performance cars such as those that I currently own.