
Hello, it's cylcops-guardian and I wanted to give a brief introduction about me (as suggested by @lovesniper @indayclara). Also, yes, my username is cylcops and not cyclops because I made a typo. So guess I'm stuck with this name now 🙃.

I don't want to go overboard on the identifying information, but I'm from the West Coast of the United States currently attending college out here. I personally discovered this wonderful Hive ecosystem through Splinterlands. Although I was already very into crypto (joined late 2020 and quickly got into it), the Hive ecosystem was not something I had come across. Fortunately, it was very easy to learn the ropes, though using the usernames rather than a super long annoying code definitely took a while to get used to, but is super cool. Also, I love the lack of transaction fees!

I personally am interested in seeing a ton of different communities. First of all, I will always be keeping up with Splinterlands (I expect big things in its future). I'm also interested in getting involved in the Freewriters community, and look forward to critiquing and being critiqued there. Finally, I also want to keep up with the Hive Book Club because I'm always looking for new books.

I'm really excited to join the Hive community even more, and wish you all luck in whatever your endeavors may be.


Look for contests regarding intro posts, and rewrite one for those. You could earn more on a good post. Learn to use markdown editor or some other formatting program.

It looks like you are using peakD, which has a markdown editor tool to use when you are writing.

I'm no pro at this, but I think you could benefit from searching out the communities that directly support new accounts.