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RE: Geek, Researcher, Abundance Conduit - Introducing Myself To The Hive!

in #myhiveintro5 years ago

Ya. I was always way more into PC, dabbled in console for the X360/PS3 generation, and went back to PC.

I've always built my own desktops, and not having to replace my whole system every few years is nice. Plus deciding exactly what goes into it, what it can/can't do, etc. I'm very much not a fan of anything proprietary.

It is a creative suite, a social media platform, and most of all an endless supply of unique video games (dreams) created by community members

So it's The Oasis from Ready Player One?


I’ve never been a PC gamer outside of Oregon Trail, Sims, and Roller Coaster/Zoo Tycoon 🤣😂

& Yes! Pretty much!

This will explain more :