So after we went fishing we headed north to go hunting on the berry trail and this time there was no sign or smell of bear!
We have a long walk ahead of us, and I took lots of photos along the way. The rain was picking up, but it was quiet.
The running water was making the sounds of a babbling brook. It was just want I needed. They have been doing construction close to home. I have been stressed about the trees being cut, the sound and intrusion on my solitude.
We took the path to the right.
It seems the further in the worse the fourwheels have made the trail. Last time we seen a Jeep on the trail.
At this point I started to relax from all the city people coming out to the middle of nowhere.
This puddle was huge, we had to go through the bushes.
This is a view of looking back at the end of the puddle. It wrapped around the corner.
(I just seen the plastic bottle, don’t pack in what you don’t and won’t pack out! 🤬👎)
We came to another deep one that we had to go around.
But we found blueberries in our detour.
Raspberries and...
A tree stand!
Then the city people found me again. 😡🤬👎
I packed it out with us. We tried to go up further but the path started to get really really bad. So we started to head back.
I spotted a squirrel, YUM! They are stuffing them selfs with berries right now so they are super sweet and very tasty!
At this point I have squishy soggy feet, foggy glasses and am soaked through. But I am happy to be away from all the damn city people. The construction sounds are grating on my ears, the pounding, beeping, air breaks, and gravel dumping was to much!
One last view before we leave.
I hope the photos helped you destress, and take you away for awhile. It was so quiet. 💗
It was truly nice to just let my mind go blank.
Not to bad, I didn’t hurt after either! Yes!!!
So we didn’t get a grouse but we got meat, and we ate right off the bushes and took home a very small amount. 🤣
EDIT: Forgot to add that the kid processed the squirrel all by him self! Skin, gut, and he figured out the head and tail!
Wow, Your path is turning into a river!The pictures did make my heart smile. Thank you. Awesome that your son processed his prize himself. These are skills that will serve him well. I'm sorry you were only able to get one. How did you cook it? Stew?
I'm glad I stumbled on you folks here!
Glad I could make your heart smile 😊
Yeah we make a stew, we have also bar b qued them before too.
I figured you made stew since you had only 1 this time. A healthy antibiotics...etc. Kids will grow up stronger and healthier for it.
Indeed, the pictures of the trail were quite relaxing. Hmmm... berry-fed squirrel does sound good!
It was so nice. The sprinkle of the rain hitting the leafs lightly was very calming.
Oh they are good! I was grossed out the first time myself, the same boy took one with a B.B. gun at 6 yrs. Raising them to only kill what they will eat. Not for trophy, but a trophy is a bonus if you eat it.
Your son is really cute.
Is it raining most of the summer there? It seems like all your pictures I've seen were cloudy/raining.
He’s smart too.
Not always, we have different parts of summer. Dry and wet. We also get all the tropical storm remains from Asia.

Source of photo Alaska Climate Info
One thing is for sure.... It looks like you'll never be short of water in Alaska!
So long as you are dressed correctly, it doesn't really matter.
That trail looks like a great mini-adventure - Practise caution, driving and alternate skills....
You may not have got the Grouse this time, but every trip in the woods is never wasted.....
Looks like you all had a great trip, despite the rain.
Yeah it was not wasted.
We don’t have ATVs, well we have a very old one we use for hauling wood and plowing the driveway.
My exterior shell was suppose to be “water proof”, then the kids can never find their crap so it was thrown together gear.