Hi everyone .... A Maine fisherman caught a rare, nearly see-through “ghost lobster” earlier this week, before throwing the translucent creature back into the ocean because it was too small. Mike Billings caught the crustacean on Tuesday morning off the coast of Stonington. The odds of pulling in a ghost lobster or albino lobster are about 100 million to 1. The ghost lobster’s look is likely due to a genetic condition called leucism, which causes a partial loss of pigmentation in an animal, resulting in white, pale and patchy coloration! >>>> I collect antique fishing lures and you can too! >>> Collecting old lures and fishing gear is a hobby for many a fisherman! My eBay website is listed on my home page. Thanks for viewing! Please FOLLOW ME @lurehound for more fishing lure collectibles, historical items, outdoor photos and more FUN! Please Upvote & Follow me! Thank-you! ... ** Story shared from FOX NEWS!

Beautiful unique photography, Thank you for sharing.
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