Thanks for including the #myhuntingfishing tag in your post again.
The first three look pretty good for hunting but of course I would go the the JSB as I am sure you will. I have been wanting a good air rifle for some time now. It just hasn't been high enough up the priority list yet I guess.
I'm totally hooked on the PCP rifles now. This is my first one. If I had it to do over, I would probably go with the .25 version. My sights are now set on a .30 caliber version. Airguns of Arizona posted a great video on the new Daystate Wolverine, a .303 caliber with carbon fiber bottle, over 100 ft lbs. of energy. Gorgeous weapon, and a real tack driver, even out to 100 yards.
I just saw that someone converted a .25 Marauder into .30 and had it at one of the recent shows. I would love it if Benjamin released one of those!