Fees on Volga river

in #myhuntingfishing7 years ago

In less than two weeks, my partner Dima and I start on the Volga. Our first long trip this season. In plans - to take part in the festival "NoslalJig-2018" and from the heart to fish)).
Accordingly, such a trip should be prepared ...
So I'm getting ready)). I conducted an audit of my fishing arsenal, and it turned out that I needed to buy something.

The first and most important are consumables (hooks, leashes, etc.) and baits. Very opportunely this season, guys from OnlySpin released new items - leashes of steel string length of 35 and 40 centimeters. For evil Volga pikes with their huge mouths, this length of the leash is not redundant at all))).

Of the baits had also something to buy. Of those that regularly catch large fish every season ...

I want to try mega-trout from Savage Gear. The size of the bait just below the trophy pike ...

This season, I was tested by Hearty Rise for a powerful rod Hearty Rise Boat Jig Force II SD-862H in length 260 cm and with a test for weight baits 16-70 grams. That's it then I will throw this trout in the mouth of the Volga monsters))).

It was possible to make up for one loss - light spinning gloves for catching in cool weather. Last season I lost my gloves from OWNER somewhere, and was very upset about it. The thing is necessary, especially in the autumn cold morning. It is not very comfortable to steer the boat, holding the ice rudder.
Now this will not be a problem ...

Non-inflatable and waterproof gloves with a special coating on the palmar part. Spinning in the hands, "shod" in such gloves, sits like a poured ...

Still, of course, not everything is collected and purchased. Ahead of rewinding the cords on several reels and replenishing the stock of hooks.



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Can i join with you...to catching fish...?