In winter there are no official spinning competitions, but there are still several traditional tournaments that collect hundreds of winter spinning fans under their banners.
"Winter Predator " In Bronnitsah, "Goldfish " in the Chulkovo and, of course, "DAM Fest ", which many years ago came up with guys who communicate at the still live at the time forum of the firm "DAM ".
So, in the past weekend, after the end of the water discharge, the next dam-fest took place on the Moskva River in Brateevo. The rules are simple-catching spinning from the shore on any spinning lures and rigging. In the standings pike perch, pike, berch, chub, perch, ASP. Each participant is a judge himself. To offset-3 (three) the largest caught fish. The captured fish should be photographed by attaching to the roulette to determine its length. For each centimeter-1 point. On top of the fish is necessarily put "token " Dam Fest with the date of the tournament. The players with the maximum points for the three largest fishes win. There are bonus points for trophy perch and zander, but such fish was not caught this time...
More than 130 anglers from different cities took part in the tournament. The most popular fish in the standings was expected to be perch. Pike and Pike were not. In catches besides perch there were only one ASP and one berch.
The winners of the tournament were: 1 place-Anton Belinsky; 2nd place-Denis Vorirov; 3rd place-Alexey Guryanov.
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