*Rush Hour: The Just Launched Mentality* (page 2)

in #mylibertyfamily7 years ago


To cross from January 29th to January 30th, the system requires roughly 914 more. Yesterday registration was less than 10 persons including the effort by Growth Team who are donating to move the system forward.

Here is the simple sense that has been rejected too often by some.

Let's say 40,000 registered in December-January. That's a whopping 25k X 40,000 = N1 Billion. Each of these 40,000 is expecting N5m. That is N5m X 40,000= N200 Billion.

From this analysis above alone, do you need a secondary school certificate to know that the money can not go round? If you attended the kind of primary school I attended, as a primary 4 pulpil, I would have reasoned that out.

We hear some Libertarians say, let this money go round na o. We ask how? The one who has received 3k says only 3k since, the one who has received 9k says only 9k since. 14k is saying the same thing and that if only he has received his "invested capital" back waiting for interest. Those that are annoying the most are those that have received well over 200k and complaining.

Let's assume everyone is waiting to get his capital back, it means everyone willl be back with his 25k because that is what some understand. Then where is the system and the hope for N5m?

I had 4 Family IDs at the beginning and I ensured no director has more than 4. If we were to qualify as Option 2, we must have to follow the rules too. I know that this part is what some will spend the whole day analysing and debating. They are not used to being told simple truth but hear some more.

We were investigated by the federal agency in June, they didnt find an unusual sum in my bank accounts. Even the agency were surprised to see that there's no fraud activity going on in MLF exceot that it is a phenomenon. Thanks to BVN.

NOW I have more than 100 IDs that have received nothing and the Family IDs I bought from those who would not let us rest over their hard earned 25k in exchange for our SOFT to be earned N5m. So if they hear that the CEO has 100 IDs, they go he's the Oga at the top.

This part too will make many private chat me today to offer me their Family IDs to buy them because they need money now now. No wonder King Pharaoh was even richer during the seven years of famine in Egypt.

The same 40,000 people in January are forgetting, the system will require 120,000 New IDs to attend to them and are busy scarring the 120,000 away with apparent exhibition of ignorance and unnecessary agitation. They keep saying this is not what we were told. What were you told exactly?

If 1,000 people joined one day in January, alteast you were told your level 1 payment will take 3,000 people to get to you. To meet up January demand, the system requires 3,000 TODAY not 10 that registered yesterday.

The system would not even have required up to 120,000 because MLF is the only platform we know that takes from the bottom to feed the top and in turn takes from the top to help the bottom. This is what demystifies ponzi out of MLF.

Some see it as robbing Peter to pay Paul but we see it as taking from Paul to pay Peter back twice. MLF is an economic system that aims to circulate wealth equally among members. The economy can grow to trillions in no time if you understsnd the logic here.

When SeamWith goes live, the plan is to boost MLF globally and You as Libertarians to benefit massively as foundation members. If you choose to discredit MLF with your negative comments, MLF will suffer slow growth not death but SeamWith will thrive. I as the CEO will have nothing to loose because there are 9 other ways SeamWith will survive.

I can explain MLF to you in different dimensions, I just can't understand it for you.

I am,

The CEO, SeamWith

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