Myria's SDK is open for building!
Myria’s Software Development Kit (SDK) has been released! The initial SDK toolkit enables developers to easily launch NFT collections on Myria L2 in a matter of minutes
➡️ Without the need to understand blockchain coding languages like solidity
➡️ Allowing their communities to mint and trade NFTs with 0 gas fees and carbon neutral transactions
➡️ Providing a frictionless user experience for all
To access the SDK, head to Myria SDK Developer Access
Read all about our SDK offering here on Myria Official Medium Blog
If you're a builder, don't forget to join our Myria Builders Discord community here by raising a support ticket to gain access in the support channel.
NFT Utility

It's time to mint your Sigil NFTs on Myria L2 🔗
These invaluable NFTs will provide their lucky holders with future access to events and launches in the Myria ecosystem, starting with the first free airdrop for Sigil holders coming 🔜
You must hold your minted Sigil NFTs in your Myria Wallet on the snapshot date to be eligible! Details to be revealed soon 👀
Not sure how to mint? Watch the full video walkthrough here on YouTube
➡️ Head to Myria Sigil Mint & mint your rewards now!
Psyber-X Announces First Airdrop for Myria NFT holders
(first airdrop of Alliance Sigil Skin, more to come with game launch for Title holders)




- Special Title NFT Holder Airdrop at Game Launch