It really is a garden and it takes a community to have a massive producing wonderful one at that. While everyone can try and make their own small garden. Some point you just got realize if you don’t know how to grow a hibiscus or some other flower you just got reach out to the community and learn and grow together.
While I’ve never been the most community oriented person ever (I’m not a fan of large crowded places). I at least try here or there. I think at end of the day that is the answer. If you’re not a team player and its always just “ me me me me me” well than steemit will be a very lonely place.
Honestly, I was always one of "those" who people felt "does not play well with others." Part of that is simply from being introverted, part of it is because I am just very much an individualist. I didn't do well with Korporate Amerika because I'm really not a good team player.
The interesting thing about a community like Steemit is that there is such a vast range of people here that it's easy to find someone who's part of your "tribe" as well as easy to find someone who can help you out with the stuff you don't understand.