yes transition times majorly throw that off. ini's sisters will be visiting for a while and so we've planned ahead a few post counting on some full days. i would love to read your plan for steemit whenever you get around doing it. i can see you're researching and studying the platform well and i'm curious to hear what you've found!!
glad to hear about your 100% power up! we took out some early on and invested in other cryptos and have taken out here and there, but i think holding long term is really where it's at - for curation power on the platform and future higher prices of steem :) agreed that it helps to see what others are up to. definitely recommend checking out (if you haven't already) the inspiring plans of the people above. adam especially has some ambitious plans--- but then, he's running for president! and using the platform in a slightly different way. really gives an idea though of what's possible! hope your move is going well! xo