Naw... That is my Fancy Smancy phone case protector thingy majiggy.
Only poetry I do is a swear word filled rant about 4 inch wheelers every 5 minutes trying to wreck Me...!!! Lmao.!
Src: search Douchebag Drivers.
Naw... That is my Fancy Smancy phone case protector thingy majiggy.
Only poetry I do is a swear word filled rant about 4 inch wheelers every 5 minutes trying to wreck Me...!!! Lmao.!
Src: search Douchebag Drivers.
lol...that's a classic picture there! Ha! You see so many bad driver so will autonomous cars be any worse? Last night on the news they said they UPS was starting to use autonomous delivery trucks in some city but they said package delivery to the front door was not possible for them anymore. lol.
I heard that the theft off of porches was close to 30% so how high would it be if the packages were left on the curb side?I guess the truck pulls out and kicks it out. lol.