Mystery How Two School Kids Died in the Same Week

in #mysterydeaths3 years ago

A story ran in the Express about two children in the UK dying int he same week from the same school.


It's a tragedy, as both were liked and people had great things to say about them. They had a whole future ahead of them that was cut short.

Garrett Murray, acting headteacher at the school, said: "Harry approached life with a wonderful sense of humour and showed such care and compassion towards all those that he encountered. Harry was popular and loved by all his peers, teachers and pastoral staff. He will be deeply missed by all in our school community."

Paying tribute, Mr Murray said: "Mohammed was devout in his faith. His charitable nature will be sorely missed by all in the community.

"In his quiet way, Habib always looked out for others in need and was ready to support and help them. He will be deeply missed by all in our school community."

But why? What happened?

Nobody seems to know.

"At this stage, the cause of each death has not yet been determined and out of respect for both families, we would ask people not to speculate, particularly on social media, at this very difficult time."

Don't speculate. Of course not, because the obvious assumption would be a dangerous new injection technology that's never before been used on humanity, being steam rolled for public use with only a few months of safety testing.

It's not like there were warning before it was stupidly approved for children. No increased heart issues for young males... no. That didn't happen. No data indicated any issue. At all.

It's not like children were at nearly 0 risk of being seriously ill or dying from what the shot was protected them from: COVID-19. You need to take a risky injection to protect you from something you might not get, and even less of a chance of it being serious. Less than 200 children allegedly died from COVID in the US during the while 1.5 years.

But, hey, don't assume anything. Young boys can just die naturally all the time. It could be anything. It could also be the risky injections too.