Don't Seek the Light...BE IT

in #mysticism6 years ago

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It’s a sad state of affairs when it comes to the PR the occult and mystical sciences receive.
Whenever a subject related to the Mysteries is brought forth in the media, the subject is distorted either with conspiracy theory or clickbait. There is an unspoken culture which permeates the discussion and involves a subtle form of character assassination. "Your reputation is on the line!"
One journalist, Mitch Horowitz, published a fantastic piece about this subject you can read here
My complaint is not your typical “I want my piece of the PR pie please! Every religion, philosophy, and turd thought out there should be set upon the public altar for observance!” No, I don’t believe the Mysteries should be unveiled in a public exposition. But here is what I do know.
The current McDonald’s journalism culture of little substance and way too much glut to appease the dopamine-addicted populous comes at a serious price. It is the same price implicated by the fact that rather than being the change, we are all perfectly content ogling the problems. We are short-changing our personal growth.
We all enjoy entertainment. The problem is when we are content with being entertained rather than being informed- the problem is when rather than seeking to improve ourselves or the content being published, we are instead seeking pacification and amusement.
I know it is fun to think the Illuminati runs the world. I know that this allows you either to feel safe, or gives you reason to be angry at something outside of your own poor decisions in life, or to more easily contain the “problem” with the world.
What a gift the occult sciences can be to those who seek the knowledge with an open mind and heart. It is is not something to be proselytized; it is not for everyone, nor should it be.
Possessing a minor background in psychology, I can assert that a wide range of occult methods of self-actualization mirror recognized teachings in the “counseling psychology” world. It is a disservice to those who might otherwise become skilled adepts in the Mysteries, to be misinformed by cheap trick, McDonald’s journalism.
The Mysteries have the power to uplift and give life to the downtrodden who seek them.
I cannot dictate the biases of the content producers, editors and journalists out there. But, what I can do is to one day bring the esoteric teachings into marriage with modern psychology, and bestow this precious gift to other privileged seekers.
Surrounded by ignorance, in the midst of darkness, we have only one choice- to be the Light.
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