6 months for the easiest fix...

in #mytechlife13442 months ago

6 months for the easiest fix...

So, I work as a level 1 tech for an MSP and just had the simplest call that I figured I would share...

A user called in, stating her e-mail wasn't updating when she logged into it. Simple fix, I remoted in and Outlook did not have her most recent password.
I assumed she had just changed it, so I walk her through the steps to update her password in Outlook, and immediately e-mails begin to come through.

Like... a lot of e-mails begin to come through.

It finally ends with about 1500 new messages in her inbox. It turns out this user hasn't updated her e-mail in about 6 months, and all those e-mails
that were loaded were the things she had been sent since December of last year (Unsurprisingly, there were a couple in there about running out of inbox space).

We then spent quite a bit of time sorting through the backlog of mail and getting rid of the stuff that wasn't needed anymore, before I was able to log off and let her know that anytime her password is updated

I don't know how you can manage to not realize there's a problem with something for 6 months straight when most people are looking at their e-mail daily.## TLDR Summary:

I assumed she had just changed it, so I walk her through the steps to update her password in Outlook, and immediately e-mails begin to come through. Simple fix, I remoted in and Outlook did not have her most recent password. It finally ends with about 1500 new messages in her inbox. Like... a lot of e-mails begin to come through.