Forget it Jake, it's Lawyertown

in #mytechlife52293 months ago

Forget it Jake, it's Lawyertown

So, my friend that I posted about 2 days ago was back at it today, and attempting to work from home, as they have done may times before. They must have suffered a head injury since Tuesday, when they used it last, because the steps completely fled their mind. These are verbatim copies/pastes from our exchange. I'm only changing the names

- When working from home what is my user name? Is it the same as computer login?

- No, your email and computer passwords are unrelated. I attached my steps for logging in. It wants firstname.lastname and your email password

- For some reason, I can’t get in.

- What happens when you try it? (My catchphrase. it's in my email signature)

(I get back a screen shot saying "Pulse timed out waiting for user input")

- Time out means you didn’t enter anything in. I sent the steps to get in, how far do you get?

- It’s saying my Credentials are not correct but they are.

- If it says they’re wrong, then they’re wrong. There aren’t other reasons for it to give that message. Your password was entered wrong 5 times and it locked. It wants your email password.

- My email password is the same one I use to login on my computer

(Remember when I said they were different? And I attached my illustrated steps describing the log on process?)

- No, that’s a different account.

I guess something finally clicked because I didn't hear from them again.## TLDR Summary:

it's in my email signature)

(I get back a screen shot saying "Pulse timed out waiting for user input")

- Time out means you didn’t enter anything in. - My email password is the same one I use to login on my computer

(Remember when I said they were different? It wants firstname.lastname and your email password

- For some reason, I can’t get in. So, my friend that I posted about 2 days ago was back at it today, and attempting to work from home, as they have done may times before. I sent the steps to get in, how far do you get? They must have suffered a head injury since Tuesday, when they used it last, because the steps completely fled their mind. Your password was entered wrong 5 times and it locked.