Sacred and Profane: Occult Secrets of Ancient Sexual Rites of Passage

in #mythology7 years ago (edited)

Timeless Archetypal stories told by Cullen Smith @ Lifting The Veil: WARNING: ***ADULT NUDITY, STRONG AND EDUCATIONAL SEXUAL THEMES. PLEASE ENTER WITH RESPECT AND MATURITY!*****20-30 min read time


We've covered this topic numerous times before, but have never gone very deep into detail, because it's a very taboo subject and I didn't want to slip up or make mistakes and be outcast as a terrorist. You must understand what we've covered already in** Symbols of Power film presentation seriesabout the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil**, corresponding with the Knowledge (intimacy) of sacred service and response- ability that comes with sexual prowess to be used for good and healing, intimacy, creative expression, play and fulfillment, rather than harm, trauma, domination and enslavement. This is the greatest lesson of all time. It's what hangs in the balance between all human slavery and freedom.

In ancient times and all throughout history, as im covering right now in my "
Symbols of Power: Truth About Easter" film presentation, women known as temple priestesses or sacred prostitutes, had the highest social and political status in the land, with protected and guaranteed rights for the "seminal" role of initiation that they play in society (pun intended).

"In Hammurabi's code of laws*, the rights and good name of female sacred sexual priestesses were protected. The same legislation that protected married women from slander applied to them and their children. They could inherit property from their fathers, collect income from land worked by their brothers, (and dispose of property whenever and to whomever they pleased. They were free to train as priestesses at the temple and free to leave their duty and marry, have children among the people.) These rights have been described as extraordinary, taking into account the role of women at the time.*****"

** - The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine By Nancy Qualls-Corbetin **

"The Hebrew Bibleuses two different words for prostitute, zonah*****(זנה)‎[17][18]and* kedeshah*****(or qedesha*****) (קדשה)‎.[19][20]The word** zonah*****simply meant an ordinary prostitute or loose woman*****.[18] But the word kedeshah*****literally means consecrated*****(feminine form), from the Semitic root q-d-sh(קדש)‎ meaning *holy*****or *set apart*****.[19]"

We will cover a few allegorical and mythical "sexual rituals consisting of sexual intercourseor other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility riteor divine marriage (hieros gamos). Some scholars prefer the term *sacred sex*****to sacred prostitution in cases where payment for services was not involved. "

These women were priestesses of the "Queen of Heaven" or the physical vessel embodying every facet of the Devine Feminine in human experience, as sister, mother, daughter, and the full spectrum of the goddess from "virgin to whore," both sacred and profane,

**equated as epithets of all the love and fertility goddesses of the dawn such as Aphrodite/Venus/Frigga/ Freya/ Eos/ Eostre/ Ostara/ Aurora/ Astarte/ Ashtoreth etc etc, as the Divine Mother of the solar child of all cultures, from ancient Egytpian Queen of Heaven Isis and Horus, to Sumerian Inanna and her son Dumuzid, Babylonian Semiramis and Tammuz, to the Christian virgin Mary and Christ to the later Heiros Gamos or "sacred marriage" of the sacred whore aspect as Mary Magdalene and Christ as the bridegroom etc etc. **

The following passage is one of the most beautifull and poetic explanations of the sumerian texts that I have found. I'm not certain who actually wrote them, but it's brilliant. excerpt from The Priestess (Shamhat) and Enkidu- The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature**

"The function of the temple of Inanna and her priests and priestesses was therefore to provide a haven for the people, a sacred space where one could go to and receive healing, comfort, beauty and love to ensoul their lives' further journeys. *****

The goddess herself, IS the Temple, the temp (temporary employee of an office) of EL (God), the church, the sacred vessel which houses the spirit and serves as the gateway or portal between realms, which is why all temples and churches are constructed by masons as macro mirrors of the sexual embodiment, complete with feminine womb-like gathering rotundas, sacred vulvic entry archways, in conjunction with pubic vestibules and phallic steeples and towers. They will of course, never admit this, however. - Cullen Smith

***The most prestigious temple office was the one of the high priestess, or hierodule of heavens. To become a high priestess of Inanna, the Chosen of the Goddess' Heart, was what every young acolyte aspired, but very few achieved. ***

The high priestess stood as the living representation of*Inanna on Earth, thus she should be the most gifted and learned of all acolytes, with a mind for prayer and management (for the temple should be run for the good of all), heart for severity and compassion, a strong and fit body to rule and give sustenance and love to the people, the right balance of prodding and criticism to those who came to her for help. *

She should also more than the other priestesses and priests excel in the art of lovemaking, which was the service of the body to the Divine Inspirational Masculine and Feminine.

***This was so because Inanna was the Goddess of Love, and in Her desire and sexual response were experienced as a regenerative power, recognized as a gift from the Divine. ***

***All priestesses and priests who served Inanna honored life and the sex act as a tribute to the Goddess, Lover and Beloved as One. ***

**This is exactly why In David S GOYer's HBO series Da Vinci's Demons, he directly portrays the role of the Mayan Sacred High Temple Priestess's shamanic sexual initiation or consummation/ cum-union rite of passage with Da Vinci, representing the Hieros Gamos sacred marriage of the Sun and Moon, where she is the Queen of Heaven, adorned with the wings and 8 pointed crown of the goddess Ishtar, who partake in a psychedelic brew and engage in ritual sex as he astrally journeys into the underworld of death to successfully complete his scared rite to unlock the secrets of his journey.

*To the Great Goddess Inanna, there was no separation between sexuality and spirituality. *

***Thus, when the time was right, usually during one of the great festivals, and the faithful worthy beyond measure, in the privacy of the temple chambers priestesses and priests could place themselves as Garments of the Goddess of Love and for a time provide for the deepest emotional needs of someone, not for her or his gain, but for the Goddess seen in the person in need.\

***The priestess' and priest's sensuous body was never used to obtain admiration or devotion, because they often remained anonymous as a person, cloaked in the sacredness of the temple function. ***

This way the priesthood was preserved from the danger of any unwanted bond from the worshiper. This was the temple's code of conduct, the ethics of serving Inanna.

***There was no encouragement to promiscuity. ***

***All priestesses and priests of Inanna the goddess were honor-bound to this code, but stricter the law was for the High Priestess of Uruk. ***

***It was also a well-known fact that a future high priestess would receive an inner sign, a revelation from Inanna her self at the very end of her Challenge. ***

***Without Inanna's Kiss, as the Sign was known, there was no inner or spiritual validation for high priestess or priesthood. ***

***Whatever this sign would be, Shamhat prayed fervently to be worthy of receiving, understanding and sharing it afterwards when the time came. ***

All ordained priestesses were protected by the same law which granted rights to secular married women. They could inherit property and dispose of it according to what they saw fit. They were, nevertheless, prohibited from opening and owning a tavern, because theirs was the knowledge of Sacred Drinks and Ecstatic Potions they were not supposed to reveal.

There were also priestesses who having trained in the temple, decided to come back to secular life, marry and have their own children, as well as the ones who were pledged to fulfill an array of temple work."

Sacred Rites of Passage

The rites of the Queen of Heaven and the practice of open and sacred sex rites of passage such as to initiate young men and Kings into the sacred mysteries, adulthood, responsibility and ultimately Greatness, to heal the traumas of abuse and ptsd from war, etc, the high priestess has a role in providing catharsis for healing the deep seated psychosomatic wounding and blockages through providing intimacy and a nurturing openness where others are not willing and not capable to endeavor for lack of Gnosis or direct passage to the Devine.


This is LITERALLY what the entire tale of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST as a story of alchemical transformation and sexual growth or inititation is all about! This is the esoteric secret behind the lyrics: **

"*****Tale as old as time*

Tune as old as song

Bittersweet and strange

Finding you can change

Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

***Beauty and the beast\

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

***Beauty and the beast*****"

Take good symbolic notice of the lunar bull horns and the fertility of the rose blossom. The Lunar Bull fertility goddess Covered fully in my** Navigating the Maze: Universal Rite of Passageand the sexual symbolism of the romantic aromatic Eros of the Rose and the coming of age and sexual awakening of the young maiden in the Dryads, Druids, Nymphs and Nymphos**presentations. **

**This is the story of the archetypes of Nature, the Divine Feminine through fierce and unwaivering personal power and mutual respect for the wild unrefined or primitive instinct, can tame or conquer the beast of the "lower" carnal nature in man and refine his flaws and vices into virtues and sexually transmute that darkness of lead into something Golden as the Dawn itself, which are the alchemical signature attributes of the enigmatic, dark, disturbed, misunderstood wild man of the forest representing the shadow or the subconscious desire of the psyche, brought to Light by the beautifull Queen of Heaven as the Goddess of the Dawn and spring fertility, bearing the fecundity of the floral blossom. **

These are timeless mythemes as told of the druidic May Queenand the Green Man, who is the wild forest horned god Cernunnos**, or the tale of the Assyrian goddess Shamhat who refines the wild horned forest man Enkidu. **

"*****Shamhat is a sacred
temple prostituteor harimtu (harem).[2]She uses her attractiveness to tempt Enkidu from the wild, and his 'wildness', civilizing him through continued sexual intercourse**."
*****Hence why we refer to a man who is domesticated by a woman as being "pussy whipped", as a whip is used to domesticate or tame a beast and also used in BDSM sexual play, however that leans toward domination, which is not what this heiros gamos is about unless alternating in mutual reciprocation, or unless the beast is dangerous and harmful to himself and others, and his ego needs to be broken down to be rebuilt on an integral foundation. **

When Enkidu is dying he expresses his anger at Shamhat for making him civilized, blaming her for bringing him to the new world of experiences that has led to his death. He curses her to become an outcast. The god
reminds Enkidu that Shamhat fed and clothed him. Enkidu relents and blesses her saying that all men will desire her and offer her gifts of jewels.[2]"

This is the very same story as Tarzan and Jane, the gorgeous beauty who tames and civilizes the wild ape man. **

The tale as old as time, in all the stories and movies, myths and fables as the beauty and King Kong, the beauty and the Hulk, and lesser resonances in relation and variance with Greek Queen Pasiphae who seduces the Cretan Bull (beast), to the gorgeous vestal virgin priestess princess Ariadne who helps the divine Theseus conquer the Minotaur which will be depicted further along.

King Kong witnesses her extreme beauty, and he de-sires to have it and take it, a reflection of his beastly lust and that which he lacks or does not yet know in himself, but it's not entirely his fault, he is of the wild forest, and still hasn't learned or been initiated into the moral principles, and mysteries by the sacred whore yet..

He carries off the goddess, which is cognate with "RAPTure, and RAPE," of the root word RAPT, to CARRY AWAY, in the essence of "carried off in rapture" coming from the sense of carried away in ecstasy, with same sense of "spirited away" but of course, again walking the very fine line of duality with the same meaning of carried off by force without consent as our modern understanding of rape. As with all things founded on Natural Law and universal principle, CONSENT is always the golden rule and shall never be infringed, manufactured or coerced. **

**She eventually develops a mutual relation of love and respect for him as well and values his protection and companionship, although theres also a subversive theme of stockholm syndrome (loving your captor as a sado masochistic master/slave relationship), likely to trigger the victims of sex slavery, hence why shes actually raptured by him as a slave, initially held captive, the very same story as Beauty and the Beast, Bella y la Bestiality. **

This is the exact same story as Shrek, where the gorgeous princess is raptured by the Green Man, the wild forest Ogre who is scorned, angry and abusive. She then gets stockholm syndrome, falls in love with her captor, but instead of taming and refining or rehabilitating him, she becomes a beast as well and they live happily ever after! **



This is the same story as the Greek Pan, the wild horny horned beast of nature who abducted, raptured or carried off young fertile nymphs in a flight of frenzied passion or madness known as** nymphomania**. **

**So perhaps now you'll understand why the Green Man of the Forest, Pan abducts and raptures Wendy in the middle of the night under fertile moonlight of the ancient Babylonian moon god Sin, with his Peter Pipe to the mythical orgastic fantasy of Neverland, inhabited by the Lost Boys, who are wild, untamed, unrefined and as yet immature boys of the forest who become tamed and are initiated into adulthood by the high priestess archetype, the vestal virgin as well as the sacred whore and the Great Mother archetype rolled into one, played by Wendy in guiding the boys into manhood who wanted to remain wild and never grow up for lack of a divine feminine influence in their life, as well as her own fear of maturity and responsibility.

**It's all about the initiation sexual rites of passage into adulthood and the loss of innocence into the scary and wondrous unknown of maturity and partnership. **

**Now you'll understand why the Lost Boys (which isnt revealed in the disney cartoon, but in other versions as abducted orphan child slaves to the "butt pirates" running a trafficking ring or slave colony by Captain Hooker) are all represented as wild beasts of the sacred forest, unkempt, uncouth and uncivilized, then initiated and nurtured and whipped into shape by the love and guidance of the sacred priestess. **

**This is the exact same story as WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, because the WILD THINGS ARE WITHIN US. The child within does not want to take responsibility and accept necessity to change and grow, to reflect on the inner Great Work of internal alchemy and transmute their vices into virtues. **

Only the love and nurturing energy of the goddess can tame the wild Green Man of the forest and heal his pain, neglect and trauma, make his fears subside, make the nightmares stop, reveal the most vulnerable wounds and penetrate the psychic armoring and encrusted patina of a calcified heart, and soften even the hardest of hearts who have shut down and denied love for themselves and for others, thus becoming a danger to both themselves and to others.

We can observe the same behavior in a 3 yr old child who acts out in tantrum, as a bluff, bellicose and belligerent, but when the emotion subsides in the loving presence of the mother, his protective emotional armoring breaks down and he becomes vulnerable and cries, because he deeply just wants attention, affection, to be held in the arms of the Great Cosmic Mother once again, feeling disconnected from the Cosmic Womb, the Source of Creation. **

A**s mentioned earlier,****In Greek Mythology, Queen Pasiphae was the Lunar Bull Goddess, daughter of Helios, the Sun. So in essence, she was a gorgeous shining Queen of Heaven who was cast down and portrayed as a filthy lustful whore who mates hard with the beast, which is more like a form of slander of the sacred priestess archetype. **

"After a curse from Poseidon, Pasiphae experienced lust for and mated with a white bull sent by Poseidon. In the Greek literalistic understanding of a Minoan myth,[7]in order to actually copulate with the bull, she had the Athenian artificer* Daedalus [8]construct a portable wooden cow with a cowhide covering, within which she was able to satisfy her strong desire.*[9]

The effect of the Greek interpretation was to reduce a more-than-human female, daughter of the Sun itself, to a stereotyped emblem of grotesque bestialityand the shocking excesses of female sensuality and deceit.[10]In Ovid's* Ars AmatoriaPasiphaë is reduced to unflattering human term******s: Pasiphae fieri gaudebat adultera tauri---"Pasiphaë took pleasure in becoming an adulteress with a bull."ë*

** The Fall of The Goddess**

To this very day, these ancient tales are embedded into our psychic memory, and perhaps why so many young teachers are caught having sexual relations with their younger male students. The ancient archetypal call that aches within their bones, a shadow or resonance from the past as an initiatory sacred priestess, perhaps?? Or just a poor childhood? **


Greek Eos as a Queen of Heaven was Goddess of the Dawn, she was the consort of god** Ares, God of War, causing the jealousy of Aphrodite also a Queen of Heaven, who cursed her with insatiable sexual urge. As a result, Eosabducted various young men, including Cephalus, Tithonusand Orion.

Its a very taboo subject and a fine line between what was the sacred priestess and somewhere along the line, equally cast down into demonology of the underworld darkness and the nightime as the succubi, where once the the Sumerian Queen of Heaven as Inanna or Babylonian Istar the Morning Star, became AkkadianLilitu**the Queen of the Damned, the EVEning Star, or the priestess exploited for sexual slavery and servitude as the Mother of Harlotry, again allegorically from Virgin Mary to Prostitute Mary.

These sacred temple priestesses were known in Greek times as** heirodules, meaning a slave or prostitute in the service of a temple (as in ancient Greece) from Late Latin *hierodulus*****, from Greek *hierodoulos*****, from *hieron*****"temple" + ***doulos "*****slave".

This is the same etymology of our modern DOULA "midwife, housemaiden, A support person, usually female, who may not have medical or** midwiferytraining, who provides emotionaland practical assistance to a motheror pregnantcouple before, during or after childbirth**." **

** So now you KNOW WHY the gorgeous Princess Leia Organa became the LOVE SLAVE of the filthy BEAST Jabba the Hut, as George Lucas was an absolute ESOTERIC MASTER! I had the most epic esoteric symbolism analysis ever done, but the whole presentation was lost in a computer error, and now only the outline remains, as I'm too disheartened to be able to piece it all together again... but some of you got to see it in all it's glory. It earned the most support and interest i've ever generated for this work.

So again, we explored how the sacred temple preistesses had the highest protected status in the land for women, and were actually free to come and go as they wished, and were not slaves, but somewhere along the line, became defiled and cast down and corrupted into bondage, the fall of Sophia, the Wisdom of the mother Goddess, aligning with the Great Goddess theory of the divine matriarchy being overthrown and conquered as alluded by Assyrian Marduk slaying the once beautifull shining mother goddess Tiamat of the sea who then became defiled as the terrible mother of the demons unleashed upon the world, akin to Pandora, parallel to Gilgamesh slaying the monster Humbabawith the help of our beast Enkidu, just as the Greek Serpent Monster Goddesses Scylla and Charybdis were once the most gorgeous sea nymphs, Medusa being the most gorgeous woman before being cursed, defiled, beguiled and scorned, turning them ALL into later serpent monster gorgons of chaos, representing the wild untamed beastly wrath of the crazy woman as we explored deeply in the Symbols of Power pt 3: Sexuality, Cosmology, Stairway to Heaven film series here >

img by fed44

**This is the proberbial origin of the biblical, astrotheological Babylonian "whore who rides the beast" as we've already explored various epithets earlier on as the Deva who has complete loyalty of the primal forces of instinct, representing the astronomical constellations of Virgo the Virgin Queen of Heaven and Leo the Lion of Zion / Judah. And of course why we find Katy Perry riding the beast, mimicing the Lust card of the Crowley tarot deck, depcited the sacred Virgin Queen of Heaven of the Strength card as the Lustful whore of Babylon. **


**This also syncs the Greek Goddess Europa, a gorgeous Phoenician Princess who was ABDUCTED by Zeus as the WHITE BULL, and she became the WHORE WHO RODE THE BEAST just as Queen Pasiphae, because in many cultures and civilizations, a woman is CAST DOWN and DOWNTRODDEN, considered to be a whore and a slut just for simply being ABDUCTED and being forcibly raped and defiled! It's a fucking TRAVESTY!


The Egyptian root word HOR means "HIGH FLYING ONE" in reference to HORUS who is the high flying solar epithet. HOR becoming the root for HARlot and WHORE. Hence the QUEEN OF HEAVEN or the WHORE originally as "the HIGH FLYING ONE" before being cast down or fallen to earth, as seen traversing the sky. See my full epic presentation on the REAL WHORE aspect of "THE FAMOUS FAMISHED FAME MONSTER" Haus of Gaga >

It follows the astrotheology of the stars as Venus or Sirius who are the Queens of Heaven upon their heralding of the RISING SUN as BRINGERS OF THE DAWN on the HORISEN, but later becoming the BRINGERS OF DARKNESS as they are seen just before the SUN SETS at the time of the EVENing and they are cursed for THE LIGHT BEING EXTINGUISHED BY THEIR OMEN, proverbially becoming the QUEENS OF THE UNDERWORLD and cursed, bearing the burden of shame and guilt for allegedly causing the FALL OF MAN by ORIGINAL SIN in the Garden of Eden. **


NOW YOU KNOW WHY EVE (time of EVENing) is blamed for the FALL OF MAN, and PARADISE LOST, doomed to wander the earth!

EVE or EVenus is the brightest object in the sky, interchanging with Sirius, after the Sun and the Moon, outshining the planets** Jupiterand Saturnbut, while these rise HIGH IN THE SKY, Venus never does. She is cursed to wash the feet of the sun of god, just as the whore Mary Magdalene. This may lie behind myths about deities associated with the goddess morning star proudly striving for the highest place among the gods and yet being cast down in defeat.

**The truth is, noone REALLY KNOWS how history has actually walked the fine line between the sacred and the profane in the realm of sexual alchemy and social order, as there is much debate amongst scholars. We can only speculate on few records that are left outside of the Vatikan catacombs, to the best of our knowledge as to where our angels hath fallen from Grace.

I'm always reluctant to even speak on this topic because of the taboo nature and I might slip up in something that I say, and be forever misunderstood and judged, labelled for what I say or what people might assume I believe, rather than what I actually believe and present, but I know in my heart and deeply intuitively that the right to free and open adult consensual relations of the high priestess in "loving", relating or "knowing" those that society casts out, has a role in healing and reintegration of "damaged" individuals back into moral alignment and functionality with the group, as a sacred portal to the Divine. At least, theres an optimystic side of me that truly believes this was/is possible, integrating with Wilhelm Reich's work in orgonomy and orgastic potency for catharsis of somatic trauma and societal ills. It only makes sense.. how do we unconditionally heal, remediate, rehabilitate and reintegrate those that we condemn who have been victims and products of generational trauma, abuse, crime and exploitation, war and famine when our current model is to lock them away and drug them? There has to be some form of education into the ancient mysteries of initiation into the reconnection with Source.

Everyone deserves love and sexual intimacy is an ESSENTIAL part of wholistic (healthy) human nature. It's ALWAYS the rejection and lack of love that creates all the ails of the world.

It reminds me of Freud's psychological Oedipus complex that develops for the nurturing mother archetype as the object of one's desire, that creates a tyrannical beast that rampages from scorn or denial of that object of desired affection, similar to Emperor Commodus and Lucilla of Rome as just one example as his sister was his object of desire and he was obsessed, as psychopaths often are, with trying to FORCE their servants to love them, because of the love they were denied in youth, and it always turns horribly for everyone.**


It makes me think of the relationship between Love and War, The marriage of Venus and Ares, how conflicts over lust and Love or lack thereof leads to war, just as the Trojan War over the love of the Queen of Heaven as Helen of Sparta. **

"What men are not receiving through sacred sex magic, they seek for in promiscuity, rape, violence and war... due to a yearning for that portal... and the Masters of War know it."

- The Sacred Sex Rites of Ishtar: Shamanic sexual healing and sex magic, by Ishtar Babilu Dingir, available fromAmazon.

**Its not an easy job, yet someone has a role to play in providing the service of initiation rites as the sacred portal to the Divine, to reconnect us to what we have lost. It's not for many, but i'm sure there's someone who does it willfully and correctly. That's the key, the abidance of Natural Law of free will choice and consenting adulthood, free of coercion, usury and exploitation. All parties must be consenting adults engaging in willfull mutual exchange of services and experience.

The problem of all ails of the world is a centralized controlled system of COMMERCE and money, which creates false and manuFRACTURED scarcity which creates conditions where crime and desperation thrive and lead to unwillfull choices and undesired circumstances born of poor quality of life, which is exactly how the engineers of civilization WANT IT to be, so that they have an unlimited supply broken homes to select and extract child slave labor and child trafficking from.

Theres so much more to explain and piece together that I cant possibly fit in here because it would go on forever and I'm continually working on the process of compiling a book from all of my full articles. It's extremely challenging and exhausting because This isnt exactly linear narrative material. But if you wish to see more and continue to see more articles and presentations of this nature and content, please consider giving back by subscribing for as little as a dollar a month, something I'm sure anyone can afford for this incredible quality information.

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