
Hi sgt-dan the SHADE tokens are on the way.
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Hi @sgt-an , will take a look asap when I'm free 😂

It sends me to PYPT channel but It blocks me and I cannot go to any other channel or server lol, my discord keeps telling me I’m silenced and keeps me on the modal window...

 6 years ago (edited) 

Have you tried turning off your device and turning it back on again?

I just clicked on the image and it opened a browser Discord window. I would suggest close your browser and use the Discord Application itself if you have it. It should have beemed The Ramble Server to the application.

I’m with the iPad and use the discord app. It opens the app and drives me such way...

 6 years ago (edited) 

Okay let me send you a DM mijo. Just sent you another invite.

No way it keeps stuck, I’ve reinstalled but same thing here. Will try restarting the device...

Good idea.

No way... will delete Discord app then reinstall from scratch to see if that works.
Sry it’s too late in the night here for a voice chat 😂

I also put a new Discord Channel invite link into the image above.

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Hi sgt-dan the SHADE tokens are on the way.
Thanks for sharing SHADE
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Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday