No words 😔
Honestly. Just fuck!
Sharing for you again.
Listen... a change in worldview ("This is not what's important" - although you're so right because of what you're experiencing, so totally valid point of view!) - but this shift... it can be C-PTSD related which wouldn't be surprising at all now.
I'm glad you aren't depressed so much anymore but hope that you aren't dissociating now because of the ongoing stress and trauma.
I don't even know what to suggest to someone in the thick of a war. Good lord.
Except don't isolate yourself. Share and be with others as much as possible and talk openly about your experiences and feelings to avoid more trauma. Try and stay present as much as possible with that support. Call each other and talk each other through situations etc. Get a support group and network going to survive this emotionally somehow. So people can share and help each other 24/7 via messaging, meetings, online groups and gatherings.
And don't stop being you.
You are awesome and you are powerful. ❤️
Just want to go and have a cry now
Some say we all have PTSD. Some say that not everyone has, I mean Ukrainians. I learn by listening to myself and through the advice of psychologists.
Communication actually helps a lot. But not any communication. I first went through this in the summer when I realized I am almost alone here, and I am ready to talk about it and started calling my friends. They were all safe abroad. Thus, we are in different contexts with them. I can't understand their problems and they don't understand mine. Thus, both sides need help and sympathy, but only devalue each other's experiences and get disappointed. It took me A LOT to come to this.
A "non-traumatized" listener is needed here. Or one who has knowledge and skills. I can admit Hive community is a good listener :)
American society has long known what PTSD is. And we are not. Although we also had the same phenomenon, especially after the "special operation of the USSR" in Afghanistan. But then it was not possible to talk about it. The problems of these people were ignored and silenced. Therefore, we are getting this experience and knowledge only now, on live.