Very sobering to read this post written "from the heart" I am sure, @zirochka. How can anyone not there "on the ground," in such circumstances fully understand? I do not know the answer, but am sure your writing helps "close the gap" considerably ...
"... characterized by liberation from the predominance of rational thinking."
While not actively engaged (yet) in war here, this stood out to me, as it speaks to far too much of what we seem to be experiencing all over the world these days. Our "new normal" world ...
"Liberation" is a powerful word, derived as it is from liberty. If "rational thinking" does not prevail, then what? "Liberation" into what instead? Vital questions. Ones which I think far too few take any time to ponder ...
God bless, strengthen, and keep you and your loved ones, until you write to us again!
War is the most irrational thing I can imagine. Isn't it a liberation from the rational thinking? Ever since human race wanted to call itself humane, wars have been started for the sake of liberation...
Thank you so much for being so careful reader, and your comments are always meangful.
Yes, agreed. Destruction of life and property is irrational. Sadly, as we both know, war has been with mankind for ages, nonetheless.
Something greater, then, must be ... "at work" ... in those who override this truth. Reminds me of words which have been so important in my own life:
How many ancient "promises" of "liberation" ended up with this ultimately exposed as the reality? Enslavement ...
We greatly admire the strength, courage, and resolute determination of the Ukrainian people to not succumb to this, in their heroic struggle against the evil of Russian aggression against them.