Displaying destroyed weapons of the enemy sounds like a perfect way to celebrate Independence Day. Blessings to Ukraine!
Congratulations on the wedding, although I feel it is absurd that we allow churches or governments to decide who is "officially" a couple and who is not. Love transcends all things, and I am so happy you and Nick have found each other! Congrats to your daughter, too! 😊
Agree, and this is a reason why we delayed this procedure for so long. But we live in a regulated world.. In case of something, it will be much easier for the other one to deal with all those legal things. Besides, we took a mortgage last year in my name (what a luck ya?) and I want it to be a common property.
And when I think of this, I wish my father could live till these days as Nick is a husband that he always wanted for me...
Thank you for your words, my dear! 🤗