Time can be slowed down and sped up! It's starting to become official! This technology will one day be heavily utilized within the MEQUAVIS! I've been talking about this very thing!

in #nanocheeze7 years ago

The First Revealed Time Control Machine And This is How it Works... Why do you think we have companies like http://temporaldefense.com
(btw, their website is not functioning! Look it up on google wayback machine!)


This is not the ability to travel through time! That is not possible in the standard sense... This is simply creating an area where time goes faster or slower than another area...

So I could put a MEQUAVIS inside of one of these time fields that slowed time down and another in a field that speeds time up, and then have another running in real time, and then network them all together! yah!!! Think about it....


Whoah... that is SO crazy!

I just wrote a poem on this theme... Synchronicity ;D

I'll put in a link here when I get it posted.

cool, I love Synchronicity, I seem to experience it a lot :P or I'm a wackadoodle :P


That's nsaine! I seem to have entered a field or two, that sped/slowed time, in my day! You have piqued my interest a bit here, going to go check that time-machine you linked up there~

I think we have all experienced time moving faster or slower, but that is perceived time... If you were actually experiencing this you would not notice except for the fact that less or more time had passed elsewhere...

This methodology of time manipulation is basically Einstein fact... As Our planet itself is in one of these bubble, as well as our sun, our galaxy, etc. It's one of the things that scientists haven't grasped about space yet... Not all stars are as far as we think, some are further.. distances and light are skewed immensely because of this time dilation effect... It is essentially undetectable except for red shift... They will learn more about the expansion of the universe in regards to this soon. I posted another article a couple days ago about that very topic actually...
Read this article:

My theory is that we are in a section of the universe that is moving at a very very fast rate, but inside of a slower rater bubble... and the expanding universe area is just ultra fast paced.... or vice versa lol, It's hard to really grasp or imagine... But time does not flow evenly...

It all goes back to the synchronicity in the first comment! It actually makes sense, your theory. I love that more and more people are getting interested in how the universe really works. Time and space are everlasting!

yup, I didn't mean it like that btw, You definitely can notice it, I just meant most people will confuse it with the perception of time passing faster/slower ie time flies when you are having fun... That is a totally separate concept from what this is...

Thank you sir.Your post is all world femous.I am waiting your next post.

Ilusi. Saya suka tulisan anda.