Any updates from Zürich, Switzerland?

in #nanopoisoning8 years ago

A month passed since these emails were exchanged. I have since uncovered some details to reassure me that there will be no pole shift and no Niburu. The coming foreclosure crisis may also resolve itself with the global currency rest. I ask viewers to consider the abundance of resources if money weren't an issue.

I hope the copper may be helpful. We both have a simple copper mesh in our houseslippers all the time.
From what I hear, we are four years into the new ice age. Remember that cold cold March/April of 2013? That was the time I first arrive for a visit and was told that the weather was unusually cold, even by Swiss standards. This melting of the polar ice caps are caused by energetic beings preparing to make contact with us to assist us with the natural transition of earth.

As the poles melt, an ancient civilization with its advanced technology will be revealed at Antarctica. The legacy members (Rothschild, Vatican, Rockefellers, British Monarchy, etc) behind the politician puppets have always been aware of this time coming. Legislation was passed to make earth's natural process look like something it wasn't, like global warming caused by excess carbon release. Public education perpetuated this storyline.

I believe most of the legacy supporters are here on Switzerland because it's the safest location for criminals with its own water supply. Perhaps the elite have bought themselves decommissioned caves, which the Swiss army built/reinforced like Gotthard tunnel. From time to time, I overhear story tidbits; the Swiss Volk (closest English translation: nation's population ) are safe and there are measures in place to protect them from harm.

I believe those who survive the pole shift here in Switzerland will be meant to serve the elite because there appears to be no disclosure.

Hope this info is helpful. It's important to find a supportive community. This is why I am trying to return to the Hawaiian islands. I may need to kidnap you, with your permission, to join us at Honolulu and Hawaii island (best fertilizer in volcanic ash--Rockefellers bought a gold mine and the largest fertilizer company at UK). Which do you perfer: colder, longer winters (ideal Draco repetilian conditions), or frequent hurricanes (strong winds and lots of rain) expected along equator.

While preparing dinner, I caught a glimpse of the unusual looking cloud formations and sky--so vivid and contrasting the light and dark. The skies are the place to watch, especially during the evenings. I am hopeful.

Enjoy a restorative and productive week,
love and aloha,
Shaena Misako

Good evening Shaena,

Thank you so much for all your information and your video. I’ve bought the copper cloth and I will try it out and let you know about my experience.

I hope that you are right. Do you think that there will be a new ice age? Started through what; through a nature catastrophe maybe? Do you have more information?

I wish you a very nice evening; at the moment the evening sky is very special and wonderful.


Seeing you this morning made my day great!, a SF company, is less crowded than FB. Also, my copper shoe inserts' video (to ground your body and discharge the electrical targeting--we are energetic beings):

Slowly, the legacy members are being captured and replaced by clones until the time comes for disclosure. Have you noticed there are fewer people around? This is a sign that positive changes are happening. CH (Abbreviation for Switzerland) is not doing much in the way to prepare Volk for the coming ice age… maybe disclosure comes with the Ice Age animated movie series and better prepares the children.

You're on the right track as a healer. Sending more free time and open space for your private needs.
love and aloha,
Shaena Misako

Thank you for speaking with me this morning. I feel a lot better knowng that I'm not alone.

This is the formula I'm preparing to alleviate backaches and pains:

I need to check the Berg Apotheke in Zürich for the missing ingredients to regenerate teeth:

Federalized Switzerland as CIA:

Three-hundred years before the Holy Roman Empire:

the region previously belonged to the Merowinger Dynasty (best realized as the Merovingian on the Matrix Reloaded:



Santos Bonacci, most unusual man who happens to never have been vaccinated:

It appears Switzerland was hi-jacked in 1848, when it became a Federal State (similar to U.S.). This is the time period before many of the global problems began to surface in history.My YT channel contains channels where I subscribed for my alternative news. Videos that I created contain (further information is found in the video descriptions) my Swiss discoveries and why I would not pursue Swiss citizenship:

My other activities include 432 and 528 Hz music videos:

With this discovery, I can listen to music again. The Rockefeller Foundation changed the orchestra pitch from 432 Hz to 440Hz in 1939.

Chemtrails leads to Morgellons, which is actually nanopoisoning:

Wishing you positivity and rest
with aloha,
Shaena Misako


I just found your posts! I am following you and your vibe 100% ! I'm way into the power of thought and sound and frequency and of course ALOHA!

Mahalo! We are all alive at this wonderful time. Surprisingly, there are more Swiss Volk waking up to the global hijacking by the Federal State. I believe when the church bells stop ringing here, we will know for certain the banking cartel is completely down and out.