How to get a job at NASA *--*

in #nasa7 years ago

 If you are one of those who feel passion when looking at the stars from a different point of view, if you have grown up dreaming of becoming an astronaut, if technology is your passion, ... the possibilities of finding a job at NASA (National Aeronautics Space Administration) should of being a target marked in red in our action plan.

NASA is responsible for developing the civilian space program for the US government as well as for research on aeronautics and astronautics. Founded in 1958, they were commissioned to put the first man on the moon. Currently has several programs underway, which includes some manned missions.

The US agency, a benchmark in the sector, has a broad repertoire of job opportunities in different areas.

                                                       * How to find employment at NASA*

The first thing to consider and value when we think about working in this North American country, will be the need to have a work visa in the US, for which we can go to the Immigration Department.

It is advisable to start the processes as soon as we have the necessary documentation, because they can extend a few months in time.

Regarding the curriculum vitae, as expected it should be in English, as well as the cover letter. In addition, for these types of requests it is always essential to have letters of recommendation. [Training for Engineers]

  • Motivation: fundamental element, especially when we are thinking of looking for a job abroad and in a context where innovation is the order of the day.
  • Study: much more, the referents of each promotion can get an interesting return on their good grades. The collaboration with the teaching staff has a more than considerable weight, which without being indispensable can be decisive.
  • Scholarships: if we are thinking of studying at a US university while applying for a grant at NASA, it will be necessary to have letters of recommendation, write some essays / cover letters and have an excellent academic record.
  • Patience: when we talk about hiring by a government, we talk about processes that can last months before the confirmation or denial of a candidacy. We must be patient in this situation, when the moment will give us the warning.

If you look at the origin of NASA employees, many of them come from prestigious MIT, Stanford University and the US Air Force Academy, as prominent centers. This implies that if we add the provenance of a prestigious university to a good record, our possibilities will increase remarkably.


The place to which we must go for the application for employment at NASA is to its own website, where they have a section specialized in the supply of vacancies available in the aerospace agency. The link is the following:

We hope this information will help you take the first step towards the stars, it's time to start a professional career at NASA!


