Sprung! Nasser Mashni Lied About His Father Being Prevented From Returning to 'Palestine'

I have long uncovered the duplicity of APAN president Nasser Mashni. His many lies include those surrounding his late terrorist father, who he has led people to believe ended up fleeing Israel to avoid capture, and ended up migrating to Australia - leaving out the part about him having to flee Lebanon to escape their cruelty since he was a convert to Christianity from Islam.

Mashni has also claimed his father was never allowed to return to Israel in his lifetime or in death:

But as we have seen before, Mashni has gotten sloppy.

He recently posted this slideshow on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of his father's death (hat tip: Menachem):

Screenshot in case post deleted

It shows Mashni Senior enjoying a trip to Israel and the PA controlled territories later on his life, clearly free to wander around as a tourist and clearly not getting arrested by Israel!

Mashni senior and wife by the Old City of Jerusalem
Mashni senior smiling while sitting by what might be the Kotel (Wailing Wall).
Mashni senior and wife enjoying themselves at an Arab cafe
Mashni senior and wife by the security fence
Mashni senior and wife again by the security fence
Mashni senior and wife posing with PA officers
Mashni senior and wife at a beach in Israel

Besides uncovering his lie that his father never got to return to Israel in his lifetime, it also shows how what he calls his "father's Palestine"

A piece of my #Nakba74 speech… my father’s Palestine… pic.twitter.com/9GxABmRwFz

May 16, 2022 — Nasser Mashni (@iamthenas)

actually describes present day Israel, a place where Muslims, Christians and Jews freely walk in the Old City of Jerusalem as well as other places around the country.

And this may not have even been his only visit to Israel; the slideshow also contains this photo of him visiting his former colleague and arch terrorist Yasser Arafat, possibly here too:

There is no excuse for anyone to believe a word that comes out of Mashni's mouth. At this point in time, to do so is to willfully believe the lies.

Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://www.israellycool.com/2024/03/10/sprung-nasser-mashni-lied-about-his-father-being-prevented-from-returning-to-palestine/