Someone elses dream

Oppress-(verb) keep (someone) in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority

...and they still try an convince us that that's what dreams are made of... go to work.. get in debt... pay your taxes... all to keep a fake system afloat and fund their terroristic regime so they can figure out ways to oppress and kill us more efficiently....funding the ruination of other countries so we can justify stealing their resources to maintain the lie another decade or so... to make you feel the need to spend your days in the office or the factory so as to keep you off the land and the dollars flowing back to them...... and why do they have this "authority" to keep us in their illusionary system? We give it to them by participating... time to stop.. just go to the land ... the old ways are sustainable... life on the land is sustainable.. life in towns and cities where you're dependent for your every need is not...

The wolf cares not of the mechanizations of "the world", how the money flows, what government does, what corporations do... he lives the same as he has for thousands of years... So I say that is why they try and try to eliminate him from the land.. it's because "they" know that's how you win... so occupy the land... not in protest, that just legitamizes their authority... just like the treaties in the old days legitimized the stealing of the land to begin with.. together we can break the dependence on the modern industialized world... and when we do we break them...we can and we must... sooner the better.... maybe there's still a window of opportunity to repair this great Earth... the answer is Us.. and we belong to the land.