
We helped one get into housing, and now he's helping others still on the street with clean clothes, food, and showers. I'm proud of him! That was 5 years ago, and he's still at it, helping.

A lot of good people, in the last decade plus!


If all people continue to help each other in the same way, people's lives can be easier

True, the feeding this month will be on the 31st. We will finish the year being GOD's hands...not a bad way to finish!

Be blessed.


If we help others, the coming year will be good for us

Agreed, GOD should find us busy at his work; every time he checks in! Besides, they are good people in a bad spot; that can use a hand up....


If we do this, it is a great joy for all of us that we are helping God's people's.

Whatever we do to the least of these, we do it unto GOD!
