Making Kefir (fermented milk drink) on video at at I have got to try this for myself!
Image from
Here is a very nice "How To" video from them on making Kefir:
Be sure to make your Kefir with fresh Raw milk. It is good for those with lactose intolerance, and is a great source for natural probiotics. This is a really good way to help your gut, everyone should try it!
This is much better than buying probiotics in a store!
Here is one of hundreds of postings on Ebay for kefir starter stock:
I just had some homemade Kefir, my wife makes it.
You are ahead of me, but I am working on it, LOL! I want the probiotics!
My wife gets the credit, a work friend gave her the kefir grains.
Good Girl! She is taking care of you well, LOL!