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RE: All Natural Pain-Relieving Remedies

in #natural6 years ago (edited)

OTC anti inflammatory drugs are big pharmas dirty little soldiers. They do a great job of destroying the gut biome & creating more systemic inflammation, which really helps weaken the immune system & gives Big pharma a lot more paths to profit off illness. The true genius of their plans is how successfully they have marketed otcs via entertainment & media programming. Also helps that all the big pharma trained drs have been pushing them on people & telling them they’re safe for many many decades.

I tell people all the time beware the ibuprofens and aspirins, I’ll have to try to find some of these plants around here


This is actually the first time I have heard this about pain relievers but it makes perfect sense! I always tell people that "doctors only know what they have been taught" and since the college text books are written by the pharmaceutical companies they have a very one sided view of things, the side that makes them money. So unfortunately many of these doctors are unknowingly making their patients sicker instead of better, which is obviously good for big pharma. It's sad what this world has come to..