There are a lot of skeptics when it comes to Natural healing. That in itself is a fatal flaw with people; They look for a quick fix and turn to Modern Medicine which I must say is the biggest HOAX every pulled on humanity. Modern medicines as they are called are designed to keep people addicted to the quick fix theory. The relief is only temporary as nothing is fixed, just alleviated for a short while.
The earliest people on earth used what was available to them, at the dawn of civilization as we know it - they relied on diet, plants and roots to maintain health. Later on Oils were made using these plants and roots. Afterwards gemstones and crystals were discovered and worn as amulets for protection.
Medicine was Natural and through application on the skin, or ingestion of certain oils people were relieved of their health issues. In the case of gems and crystals they also work in much the same manner.
What people tend to forget is that our skin is the largest organ of the body. Anything applied to worn against the skin will have an effect on making changes to the body by coming in contact with it. These changes may be subtle and over time, however, like a healthy diet these natural products work to effect the necessary changes for health.
Most people who have relied solely on Modern CRAP Medicine may not feel the same effect of nature's healing as their systems have been corrupted or indoctrinated with pharmaceutical poisons. This I have seen personally.
Personally I sore of pills permanently in 2005 and began by researching the healing powers of crystals and gems, in the last 2 years I've been experimenting with essential oils as they hold a great deal of promise. Although it can not be said so in the USA as the Pharmaceutical racket is heavily involved with using their financial prowess to buy influence amongst lawmakers - some of these oils and or crystals can beat cancer, relieve heartburn, straighten a spine, treat autism etc.
It seems anything natural in the USA is illegal or is obscured from the masses at large to protect a corrupt industry.
Before you scoff at my post, kindly do some research of your own - there is an abundance of material available. To stay healthy try to avoid chemicals in your food, eat natural or organic products if you can, and please don't run to the doctor for a prescription.
To end on a lighter note - when the American doctors went on strike people were healthier; keep that in mind!
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