Lunar eclipse

in #natural7 years ago

Lunar Eclipse Supermoon Simultaneously Decorate the Aceh Sky, Remember and Record the Date

A rare lunar eclipse is predicted to adorn the sky of Aceh on January 31, 2018, starting from 18:48 - 22:11 pm.

Expressed rare, in connection there will be two events at once, namely a total lunar eclipse that coincides with the supermoon.

Secretary of the Department of Islamic Astronomy Faculty of IAIN Lhokseumawe, Tgk Ismail SSy MA, Wednesday (17/1/2018) said, globally, this total lunar eclipse can be seen throughout Asia, Australia and parts of America.

In Indonesia, this total lunar eclipse will last for three hours 23 minutes and will be visible from Sabang to Merauke.

The moon occupies the closest position to the earth on January 30, 2018 at 16:54 pm with a distance of 358,996 KM.

"While the full moon occurred on January 31, 2018 at 20:27 WIB.Given the time difference of the position of the nearest month to the earth and the full moon occurred only one day three hours 33 minutes, this includes a rare event in the calculation of science fakak. date

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