Let us know a little about this excellent crop. Made by me.

in #natural7 years ago

Hi friends, good morning, here I leave a technical sheet of avocado, made by me, I hope you like it and enjoy it, so we will know a little about this rich fruit
Scientific name: Persea americana Mill.
Common names: Avocado, Avocado, Avocado, Avocado, Cure.
Varieties: Mexican Breed (M): Duke, Mexicola, Puebla; Guatemalan Breed (G): Taylor, Mc Donald, Tonnage; Antillean Breed (A): Waldin, Catalina, Simmonds, Russell; MxG: Ryan, Ettinger, Strong; MxA: Monroe; GxA: Choquette, Cook, Winslowson, Booth-1, Nelan, Pollock.
Family: Laureaceae
Origin: America (from Mexico, Central America to the north of South America)
Plant characteristics: Avocado trees can reach up to 30 m in height depending on the cultivar, when the grafted crops are usually much smaller.
Its leaves are quite varied also by the number of cultivars and can take shape of both spears and round, but equally they differ by the state of development of the same ones, being the youngest of reddish colors to light greens and the most ripe of color Dark green, with small villi and a shiny appearance as waxy leaves.
The avocado tree has a main root and many secondary and even tertiary branches, but which are very close to the surface of the ground and do not grow any more than the shade offered by the cup.
The flowers come in clusters that can come out in the armpits of the branches or in the tip of these; Each flower does not measure more than 10 mm when open, are translucent green, cream to yellowish tones and in it are found both the female and male part. These flowers have the peculiarity of being of two types according to their opening, since at certain hours open being totally feminine and at other times as masculine:
Tomorrow afternoon tomorrow afternoon
Type A Female - - Men
Type B - Female -

This particular phenomenon in avocado flowers must be considered to coincide in the pollination, which is what will allow fruit production in the future, however, is not very careful when the weather is favorable and pollinators such as the bee or The wasp "matacaballo" is present in our field.
The fruit is a berry of many shapes, sizes and colors of shell and pulp. In this way they can be found large, small, oval, round, bottle-shaped, elongated and the shells vary from light green, dark and sometimes when ripe they may turn reddish, purple and even black, as far as the pulp is concerned. Can find whitish colors, pale green, yellowish green and even very strong yellows.
Nutritional composition (Of the fruit per 100g):
Calories 160 Kcal
Total Fat 14.66 g
Saturated Fatty Acids 2.126 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 1.8 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 9.8 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Phosphorus 52 mg
Sodium 7 mg
Potassium 485 mg
Carbohydrates 8.53 g
Food fiber 6.7 g
Sugars 0.66 g
Proteins 2 g
Vitamin A (Retinol) 7 μg Vitamin K 21 μg
Vitamin B3 1.738 mg Calcium 12 mg
Vitamin B5 1.389 mg Magnesium 29 mg
Vitamin B6 0.257 mg Manganese 0.142 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg Iron 0.55 mg
Vitamin E 2.07 mg β Carotene 62 μg

Uses: The avocado fruit is mainly of fresh consumption or processed like guacamole, which has a valuable content of proteins and fats that do not promote the formation of cholesterol. However, it is also used in the field of cosmetology, as are the leaves and bark for medicinal products.
Climate and soil requirements:
Antillean Race / Cultivation G x A M x G
Altitude 500 - 1000 msnm 1000 - 1500 msnm 1600 - 2200 msnm
Temperature 28-30 ° C 23-25 ​​° C 16-18 ° C
Relative Humidity> 50%
Soils Francos of good structure with organic matter greater than 2%. Clays in less than 35% in the following layers of soil. Well drained and low presence of salts, since the crop is sensitive.

Sowing methods: Seedlings can be made for later transplanting to the final site, being able to be made grafts or not according to the case or the necessity of production. In any case, it is possible to use plastic bags of 44 cm long by 20 cm wide or any container with similar dimensions and that have holes to favor a good drainage. It is advisable to pre-germinate the seeds before planting them. The substrates are many, but always look for a good aeration and good drainage, so it is suggested to use soil and sand or soil and rice husks, as others recommend a 25% organic matter. The transplantation to the final site will be done when the plant is from 9 to 12 months of age and the holes for its destination will have a dimension from 20x20cm to 50x50cm. While the planting distances of this tree according to their size and location, they can vary in frames of 5x5 m, 7x7 m, 8x8 m up to 10 x 10 m.
Cultural activities:

  • Tutoring: To prevent the tree from breaking when young.
  • Pruning: It becomes more necessary when the avocado tree is 3 years old, always paying attention to the twigs that are near the ground, to those that are dry, diseased, damaged, entangled or diverted, also must be eliminated those sick and Weak and especially the pacifiers that grow vertically and take energy from the tree.
    Irrigation: It is very important that water requirements are fully covered when the tree is only one year old, since this will depend on its optimum development in the following years.
    Pests and diseases: Root rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi), Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), Fruit fly (Anastrepha sp.) And some lepidopteran larvae.
    Harvest: In grafted trees begins from the third year, in trees not grafted from 5 or 6 years. One of the indicators that the fruit is already to be harvested, is the characteristic coloration of the shell and the loss of brightness of the same. Other indexes require a little more knowledge about the crop, such as size. Likewise, if it is observed that the peduncle, that is to say, the stele that unites the fruit of the plant, is brown, is another indicative to harvest. It is important for this work to use cutting scissors and some implement or machinery that allows reaching the high areas where the fruits are concentrated and a resistant and dry bag to collect them.
    Post-harvest criteria:
    Climatic Respiratory Rhythm Packaging Storage
    Yes High Cardboard boxes 1 to 2 weeks
    Temperature of 7-12ºC
    Relative humidity of 85-90%

Crop Association:

Favorable Unfavorable
Legumes (As a vegetative cover and green manure) Not applicable

Lunar calendar of activities:
full moon

New Moon


Harvest Development Sowing, transplanting, pruning, thinning. Prune, thin.