Hopefully you are up to date on the birth certificate scam, as in do not get one, they are just deceptive contracts with our names in all caps. It looks calm peaceful and beautiful there, I guess its pretty remote ahah, I LOVE this STORY, I am TELLING YOU a Mass AWAKENING IS OCCURRING. Earth is Flat, (I think), and there are a shit ton of SCAMS that Most Humans are DEAD ASLEEP espcially the ones in the Baby delivery business haha, pretty heavy story, I hope we can clean theis shithole up before your kid see what how far we have fallen as a society-PEACE
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I am have read much about Free Man of the Land and understand the old maritime laws they hold us under.
The problem for us is not being married, without a birth certificate, there is no proof that Sabrina is their mother. The both have my surname. And as travellers we need to play this one very carefully...
But for sure I need to do more research on this one. Thanks for the heads up ;)
You are AWESOME brother, so OPEN MINDED. It makes me so SAD YOU and ALL THE FREAKING GOOD ONES SUFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly doubt some of these things in charge are HUMAN. I just cannot IMAGINE, Beautiful Story of FIGHTING this DISGUSTING NONSENSE. rant over. hehe
These are NOT my site nor do I have affiliation with them, I'll take em down if you like just let me know.
It sounds like we are ALL slaves to the same system designed a looong time ago, these are a few of my favorites but tas YOU KNOW already there are alot, you are a million miles ahead of me, I just woke up here in NJ (U.S.) and , ughg, have to unwind mortgage, licenses, bank accounts, II want nothing to do with this whatever you want to call it, good luck your family is beautiful and so are the photos of your life.
https://steemit.com/political/@sovereigntyintl/everything-is-under-martial-law https://sedm.org/Forms/09-Procs/PathToFreedom.pdf http://www.annavonreitz.com/
Better to wake now than not at all! Your timing is perfect really. We are living in the most exciting time in human history (in my humble opinion) and even just being here on Steemit, we are contributing to the inevitable resumption of our natural evolution here on this ancient playground, referred to by most as 'Planet Earth'.
So much I want to say in response to your comment! Never enough hours in the day ;)
Yes, the game has been going on a long time. Have you seen 'There are no forests on Planet Earth' on YouTube?
And the works of Graham Hancock are definitive. I recommend 'Fingerprints of the Gods'.
AGREED regarding living in an interesting times (though I no longer trust "history" so there is that tiny problem lol, Yes to no forests. No to Graham Hancock, I am pretty sure I would remember the name. Thanks and I will CHECK HIM OUT! Maybe someday I will interview you on my show. I am getting a "truth" tv /news show going , man there are so many amazing people out there It makes me wonder how we ever lost the world to evil...