An Old Remedy For a Cold

in #naturalhealing8 years ago

I live a fairly natural lifestyle. I began eating organic in '99 after becoming ill for an extended period of time. I realize now is that it was a reaction to the vaccine I received at that time, but I didn't have any clue what was wrong with me then so I changed a lot of things about my life in an effort to regain my health. I began to research 'alternative health'.

For the last few days I have had a cold. I am not sure if it is due to my age, or my generally excellent health, but when I get a tiny cold nowadays it is extremely uncomfortable for me. My whole outlook on life changes. This is extreme motivation to avoid feeling this way, because there are a lot of people and animals that depend on me to care for them.

In general when those in my family get sick, I do not due to my limited diet. I have many intolerances and allergies. I am allergic to eggs I found out 2 years ago and I went down to 95 lbs with that one as eggs were a staple in my diet. I avoid wheat, gluten, soy, corn, dairy (though I will have organic cream in my coffee, that is the only place that does not seem to affect me). Of course I avoid all GMOs, food colorings that are chemical based, preservatives etc also.

A few years ago I came across an article about the healing power of onions placed overnight in a sock that you wear. This pulls the cold germs out through the feet. I am not sure where I first read this, but there is a lot of information about it on the web. Some people just leave cut onions around the house in the cold and flu season, in open bowls. White onions are best (allium cepa) , though yellow ones work also. If you leave them lying around, make sure to change them every couple of months to maintain effectiveness.

I tried it a few years ago and it worked, when I woke up the next morning my breathing was clear and I felt much better. So I am doing it again and will write in if it worked for me again.

I am new to blogging in general by the way. I am using the time I would have spent surfing Facebook to work on this site, Gab, MeWe and I am working towards being a strong contributor to the worldwide community. If you made it to here, thank you.

I want to add, there are times my words are 'inspired' and I am excited to have a venue for this where I will be appreciated. This post is mostly practice however, so I hope the info helps at least one person feel better.


This is my go to. It works for me every time, without fail.

This is my experience, and is not medical advice.

This is synchronicity. wowee. good stuff man and just what I needed. Loving you!

If you can benefit from my experience, please ask.

Thanks for the link :)

I'm happy to help. Let me know what you think, if you like.

It's what my mother taught me aswell. Put an onion next to your bed when going to sleep. It'll help against the discomforts of a cold.

I'm going to try it. Thanks :)

I love alternative therapy whatever it kind. Herbal therapy is my favorite genre. look like you have tried it by your self. I don't say med from doctor is bad, no absolutely not.
But, be health from natural medicine give more exciting feeling that I can't describe it with word. Hmm, sorry about it. Well, by the way thanks for share, cobceo..
Nice sharing.

I'll have to try that next time. Thanks.