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RE: The Genocide of Wild Mustangs & Burros By The Psycopathic Bureau of Land Management

in #naturallaw3 months ago (edited)

Hi -

Wow - you have a lot of experience with the Emotion Code - it is an amazing modality! I have only been using it for about 2 years...

I have been a practitioner for exactly a year. The Body Code and the Belief Code are also very amazing - but require an app - although you can get the pdf online of the old way they did it before they had an app - it's basically a book of the body and the subconscious takes you through a labyrinth to find the imbalances (caused by trapped emotions) and you can release them in the same way - with a magnet or your hand...

Did I write all this? this is a "research paper" and I took a lot of the information from the research that I did - which came from anonymous sources -

there is a lot more information on Facebook Groups - where there is footage of the roundups and also from friends I know from the organizations.

As an artist, I am on a "roll" right now about this - and I am going to refine this article into a more organized one but I am only a month out from the start date of the Holy Nights - so I have a ton of work to do.

I wanted to just throw together some information about the problem - quickly, so I could have something to refer the other project to, so I did cut and paste a lot from my research.

Thank you so much for sharing this Matrix 8 - I am a supporter of FORMAL CONSENSUS decision making - I am sure you are aware of this.

I am trying to come at this in a slightly more organized manner so that I can get some interest in the project and raise money for the tiny grassroots non-profit that I do my work with - last year they raised about 3x the amount that they did this year - I do not know why, except the state of the world maybe .

When I get a "download" from God - it comes in a giant package and I feel like I am supposed to take the package apart and sort it and lay it out for myself and others - that process has come to include the internet because I have no physical sport in person here where I live - no friends really, in person...

... in this case - I got the download for the Holy Nights Art Project linked to the Wild Mustang Issue - I am a bit overwhelmed ... so please explain to me how you think that the Matrix 8 solution can help me with this?

You say "i think a "Cause Group" using #TheMatrix8Solution, a decentralised community consensus governance system, could well be a highly effective way to re-solve the perceived issues with wild horses."

I am going to have to delve deeply into this so that I understand this better... but at the same time- my mind is full with the project itself - and I have a lot of logistical problems myself just making art in my current situation - so I might need some hand-holding from you, if you are willing to share. thank you!!!