Ayahuasca, blockchain, DMT, inmigración, ser padre, espiritualidad... la vida de un caminante de medicina en la Internet...
Ayahuasca, blockchain, DMT, immigration, parenting, spirituality... The life of a medicine walker on the internet.
Greetings, Hive! My name is Rafael. I'm from
Venezuela currently living in Armenia, Colombia. I work as a facilitator of ancestral plant medicines together with the ancient traditions of my land. I'm also very passionate about crypto and blockchain technology.
I'm the father of a beautiful ten month old baby called Sayri Santiago. Together with Neyxi, his mother, complete our little family. We arrived at Colombia on January 2019 looking for a better future. And since then we've been learning a lot about this beautiful country and adapting to this new space.
I felt instantly attracted to hive.blog, a very interesting platform based on blockchain tech where its active and vibrant community I'm very interested in learning from. And, of course, it could help our survival here generating extra income creating interesting content.
¿Sobre qué?
Léanme y les explico.
About what you ask?
Stay with me and I will explain.
During my life I have done and learned a lot of things: I went to college to pursue a Chemistry Major. During my adolescence, I traveled the world as a Magic the Gathering collectible card game amateur player. I was a Herbalife independent distributor for a while. I had a photo studio for a couple of years. Built and programmed Ethereum miners. And a lot more.
Pero, el momento que marca un antes y después definitivo en mi vida, fue cuando me crucé con la medicina ancestral indígena.
But the moment that marks a turning point for me was finding ancestral indigenous plant medicine.
Este primer encuentro con la medicina visionaria Ayahuasca cambió mi vida de rumbo. Pasé de ser una persona preocupada por el «tener y aparentar», las cuentas, mi imagen social y el acontecer diario, para ser una persona libre, enfocada en el presente y la vida en su plenitud y belleza. Y allí comencé a caminar el camino de la medicina ancestral.
This first encounter with the visionary medicine Ayahuasca changed the direction of my life. I went from being interested in having stuff, paying the bills, my social appearance and the daily news to be a person focused on the present moment and life on its beauty. And from that moment I've been walking the ancestral medicine road.
Disfruto el aquí y ahora con mi familia, aprendiendo, creciendo y descifrando cómo aportar nuestro granito de arena para la evolución de todos y cómo sobrevivir en el intento, siendo padres e inmigrantes venezolanos en Colombia en tiempos de cuarentena.
I enjoy being here and now with my family. Learning, growing and deciphering how to put my grain of sand for the evolution of the world. And all this surviving being first time parents and Venezuelan immigrants on Colombia during quarantine times.
Siempre me encuentro tratando de ayudar en lo posible a mis semejantes como he sido ayudado en el camino. Aprendiendo y enseñando con el ejemplo a apreciar la naturaleza. Y los verdaderos tesoros, como es estar vivo y poder compartir esta experiencia con amigos y familiares.
Lo que yo llamo mi tribu.
I always find myself trying to help my fellows in whatever way I can, as I have been helped along the way. Learning, and showing by my own life experience, to appreciate nature. And the real treasure of being alive and sharing this life experience with friends and family. What I call my tribe.
Mi pasión es la medicina psicodélica. Trabajo como facilitador de Yopo Hüottüja, hongos psylocibe, DMT y otras medicinas enteogenas en entornos de sanación tradicionales y no tradicionales para ayudar a sanar su cuerpo, mente y sentimientos.
My passion is psychedelic medicine. I work as a facilitator of Hüottüjan Yopo, psylocibe mushrooms, DMT and some other enteogenic medicines in traditional and non-traditional healing environments to help in the healing of the body, mind and feelings.
Y así, seguir aprendiendo y sanándome a mi mismo.
And thus, keep learning and healing myself.
Hago mis propias medicinas y, las que no, me encargo de obtenerlas de manos de maestros indígenas quienes, más allá de la maestría de las plantas, son gente que sabe vivir en comunidad.
I make my own medicines. And those that I don't make myself I try to obtain from hands of the indigenous plant masters. Who, aside from the mastery of the plants, are people who know how to live in community.
¡Los invito a compartir este viaje de sanación conmigo!
I invite you to share this healing trip with me!
Entonces, ¿qué podrán encontrar en mi cuenta?
>>So, what kind of content will you find on my feed?
— Medicinas ancestrales y espiritualidad: Quiero compartirles mis experiencias de medicina. Contar las historias de los chamanes del Amazonas y todas estas personas hermosas del camino de medicina que trabajan por un mundo y una sociedad mejor.
—Ancestral medicines and spirituality: I want to share with you my experiences using these entheogen medicines. To tell the stories about the shamans of the Amazonian jungle and all these beautiful people who walk the medicine road who work for a better society and world.
— Familia y tribu: Usaré este espacio para compartirles el aprendizaje más sagrado; el aprendizaje con mi familia. También me gustaría presentarles a mis amigos, la familia que la medicina puso en mi camino, gente genial que aporta valor al mundo con su talento y buena voluntad.
— Family and tribe: I will use this space to share the most sacred teaching of all: learning to be a family. I would like to introduce you to my friends, amazing people that the medicines have put in my road, incredible people that brings value to the world with their talent and good will.
— Tecnología Blockchain: Y por supuesto, mi pasión e interés por las cryptomonedas. Compartir con la comunidad todas estas herramientas y vivencias que han sido tan útiles para mí y que espero que lo sean para ustedes.
— Blockchain tech: And of course, my passion about crypto. To share all these amazing tools that have been so useful to me and, I hope, would bring vale to your life as well.
¡Nos leemos en hive.blog!
See you @ hive.blog!
Hello and welcome to the Hive blockchain, @acurewa! You seem to have quite a bit of experience and knowledge that I know myself and the @NaturalMedicine community are very excited to learn. I especially am giddy about your psychedelic medicines. With you having a major in chemistry and also working with the shamans, I’m very excited to hear about your views from both a Western and traditional point of view.
I would like to take a moment to invite you to the @NaturalMedicine community. Our community is made of up a vast array of individuals with many different practices all based in natural healing modalities of some sort. Herbs, meditation, art, and so much more all fall into this category.
Natural Medicine has a Hive-community ( #hive-120078 ), a front-end (https://naturalmedicine.io) and our own token (LOTUS). You can learn more about our project through our Welcome and FAQ pages.
On top of the natural Medicine knowledge we are excited for you to bring, you also have experience with programming. Our administration team has been seeking someone to help or to join our team who has just this kind of experience. If this is something you might be interested in, please message me on Discord, my username is @alchemage#4325.
Regardless, please do come join us in our Natural Medicine discord server: https://discord.gg/eth87N
Again, welcome! I look forward to chatting and learning with you. 🙏
Hey, thanks for reading me and giving me such a warm welcome message. I'll be sure to connect with you so I can contribute to the community!
Buenos dias Rafael y bienvenido!
Quise informarte que yo he seleccionada tu intro ayer en mi curación. Puedes leer el curación completo aqui Yo espero que te ayuda de alguna manera.
Un abrazo desde Holanda y espero que nos vemos en el grupo de Natural Medicine,
Vincent, muchas gracias por tu respuesta y curación de mi contenido. Ya voy a leer para aprender sobre el proceso de curado.
De nada y muy bien.
Hasta luego!
Welcome acurewa!
Esteem is mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive.
We reward our users with encouragement upvotes as well as ESTM token.
Download Android: https://android.esteem.app, iOS: https://ios.esteem.app, desktop: https://desktop.esteem.app apps that helps you to gain new followers and stay connected with your friends, unique features - notifications, bookmarks, favorites, drafts, and more. Learn more: https://esteem.app Join our discord: https://discord.me/esteem
Thanks for the reply, I'll try the app for sure!
Gracias por el apoyo
buenisimo brother
Gracias hermano por la bonita guía
adiwa chawarawa
Adiwa chawarawaju. Muy agradecido por tu consejo.
Hello @acurewa, this is @notconvinced on behalf of Natural Medicine.
Welcome to Hive and the Natural Medicine Community my friend. You have a wide range of talents that you bring with you and we look forward to your future content.
I hope you've been made to feel at home.
Earn Instantly For Writing Good Natural Health Content
We'd be delighted if you'd participate in our Weekly Challenge, where we ask about your perspective on a specific topic. This weeks topic is;
AFTER THE VIRUS: What Can YOU Do To Improve Your Chances When The Cage Door Opens?
If you would like to earn rewards for sharing your natural health content on www.naturalmedicine.io, you can sign up for a free
account by emailing [email protected]. Read more about us on our Welcome Page. We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics.Please consider delegating to help keep this collective going. For any questions, come ask in our friendly Discord here !
Nice to meet you my friend and glad to have you in the Natural Medicine Community. 😀
Thanks for the warm welcome
I'm glad you found Hive and Natural Medicine. Your family is fantastic, I hope to see a lot of you here.
What are non-traditional healing environments? I've been interested in Ayahuasca for a while but I believe we will meet when the time is right and it's not something I want to force.
It's easy to miss peoples posts sometimes cause there is so much going on but I will try not to miss yours. Thanks for posting bilingual too!
Hey thanks for the thoughtful response. Yeah the medicine is the one who finds you, he comes in the exact right moment you need it.