I love this post. And you are absolutely right about the fruit density. These days fruits we eat are not as packed with vitamins and minerals as they use to be. And, in most cases we need to eat way more to get what we need on daily basis.
We have "improved" so much with technology but we are ruining things that were already perfect. We are ruining one thing we can't afford to ruin really. And, that is our planet. And, our food supply to go along with it. All for the sake of profit.
There is a huge difference of just going I to to the woods and finding untouched blackberries or berries. They taste so much better than the ones you can buy at the stores. I think with all the GMO on the shelves today people are slowly forgetting want real food even tastes like.
Great post, well written, amazing job, have a blessed day. 😀
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