My New Favorite Snack Food


Can we all agree that nuts are one of the best snacks around? Tasty, crunchy, and nutritionally-dense (just make sure you get packages without added corn/canola oil/safflower/sunflower oil), they provide a satiating way to get healthy fats into our bodies, along with a slew of other nutrients. There's a nut for almost all of us out there; from almonds to pecans to one of my all-time favorites in pistachios, there's a surprisingly wide variety in taste and texture within the nut family.

As with most families, there are often-times relatives who get overlooked due to proximity or knowledge. This was the case with me regarding a certain nut that recently came into my line of sight. I'd heard about this company a while back, but never decided to take action until I kept seeing their posts on Instagram (dang it, algorithm). Falling victim to their advertising is one of the best decisions I've made recently. Plus, their founder is from my home-state! Full-circle wellness.

The nut? Barukas.

Found in Brazil, they're a tree-nut that tastes like a crunchy mixture of an almond/peanut, with a slightly smokey taste. They're the lowest-calorie, highest-fiber/protein nut on the planet, and deliver a ton of antioxidants as well. The company works with the indigenous people of Brazil where they are farmed to ensure these people have a sustainable income, and also pledges to plant a tree in the region for every five pounds sold to help combat deforestation.

These things are incredible. For the amount you get per bag, the price is well worth it (and if you set up a subscription on their website, the cost goes down even more). I can't tell you how happy I am to have added these to my pantry. Go treat yourself!

"A Single Seed" is my attempt to get out one idea every day that I've learned or accumulated over the years, with the hope that it may stick in someone else's memory bank as well. The idea may be related to fitness, business, life, or philosophy, but I think you'll find that many can change domains if you wish them to. With each seed planted, a new life awaits._
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