I'm right there with you.
Of the good doctors I've had, they have nearly all thanked me for the research I've done on my own behalf, because, when they listened to me, if nothing else I helped to eliminate numerous dead ends.
I've also had doctors thank me for teaching them about effective natural remedies, including at least a couple who started recommending them to their patients. That feels good.
I used to joke that the medical profession was trying to kill me, but it's really no joke, because it's too close to the truth.
I'm lucky as heck to still be here, and as healthy as I am, but a big part of that is that I've been fortunate (and obstinate) enough to be able to refuse the majority of pharmaceutical drugs I've been prescribed.
I currently take zero pharmaceutical drugs, which is to say the least highly unusual for a woman of sixty, especially in America.
Go #naturalmedicine!!!
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