We have a lot of deer here, see between 2 - 6 in the back pasture daily. Husband's mentioned at least 2 bucks. But to my knowledge, there's been no deer damage to anyone's yard or wanted trees ever. I've always chalked it up to their preference for our lush pastures. My husband would find rubbing sign in the woods, back when they were woods, to our north.
With so many deer here, I'm not sure why they've, knock wood, not been a problem.
In the last 10 years our coyote population has been nearly wiped out by hunting. So far, the only result has been an explosion in rodents of all kinds, and the fox have returned. But fox won't affect deer as coyotes would.
I hope the deer keep not causing you issues. When my wife and I first moved here I tried to work with the deer. The result was a lot of my plants eaten to the ground and others killed by rubbing. Overtime, I just went with the fence and the result has been that my plants just took off. But the areas the deer hit the hardest are still about a year behind the rest..
Very interesting about the coyotes--I made sure they could come into my land despite my deer fence in order to keep the rodent population from getting to big.
Thanks for sharing!