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RE: Return of the Carbonaceous Bandit (PLUS A PRIZE!)

Cool haul of leaves! (What's Melissa say.....) LOL

Our oak tree had NO acorns, not 1. First time for that I think. I chalked it up to all the construction in the yard this summer. Not that I'm complaining. I didn't have to pick any out of the Small garden, and it's sure to reduce the squirrel population.


Idk what Melissa says, I didn't tell her lol she'd probably say something about having enough of our own though. Nonsense.

I wonder if that means you'll get super double acorns next season!

I am curious to see, what happens next year for the trees most affected by the construction.

I found out why the hibiscus did poorly and the Big rose did well. Seems my helper friend has been employing selected favoritism for the last 2 years. When he's done foliar spraying he would pour the remainder as a drench on a selected plant. Last year hibiscus, this year Big rose.

These are 2 of 3 shrubs that would have been severely impacted by the construction. So they aren't a good indicator...

Hibiscus and roses are prime candidates for extra love though! @riverflows has inspired me to try roses next year.

Foliar spraying is something I'd like to dabble with next year. Did you use the ones in The Holistic Orchard, or some others?

I make my own. I must do a foliar spray post....

Look for Damascus roses, beautiful scent for whatever you use them for. And the super thorny rugosas make huge hips.