Some my BFF recommended, and we used a 60 gallon power sprayer (filled it twice) and soaked the entire property, trees included.
This spring I will use a poisoned (pyrethrin) mouse bedding, that doesn't bother the mice, but kills the bugs, made out of dryer lint. I will fill an oiled toilet paper tube with the poisoned lint. The mice will steal the lint for their burrow nests, and it will kill the early stages of ticks and chiggers; giving relief to the mice.
Some my BFF recommended, and we used a 60 gallon power sprayer (filled it twice) and soaked the entire property, trees included.
This spring I will use a poisoned (pyrethrin) mouse bedding, that doesn't bother the mice, but kills the bugs, made out of dryer lint. I will fill an oiled toilet paper tube with the poisoned lint. The mice will steal the lint for their burrow nests, and it will kill the early stages of ticks and chiggers; giving relief to the mice.
.So now you like mice? Where do you put that thing at?
Not really, they just are a critical link in the chigger cycle; and I can reach that part of the cycle.
Just put them in out of the way places, then the mice will do the rest....
Out of the way places where no one goes or wants to go like Oklahoma.
Or worse, clear out of the way down to Texas....