July 10th on NaturalMedicine's Discord: 432hz Concert + Curation [ESP/ENG]


love live music and curation?

Listen to music in 432hz from Medical Music artists while you share your post related to natural medicine, medical music, art and consciousness

¿Amas la música en vivo y los upvotes en tus post?

Escucha música en 432hz de parte de artistas de Música Medicina mientras compartes tu post relacionado a medicina natural, música de medicina, arte y conciencia

You are a curator? let's collaborate!

We will have different curators from the HIVE community and thus collaborate all in making a multilingual space where we can send positive vibes, if you are a curator and I have not yet spoken with you consider yourself more than welcome to be part of an activity of music and awareness, where we will have the presence of excellent medical musicians, these are:

¿Eres un curador? ven y colaboremos!

contaremos con distintos curadores de la comunidad de HIVE y así colaborar todos en hacer un espacio multilenguaje donde podamos enviar vibras positivas, si eres un curador y todavía no he hablado contigo considérate más que bienvenido a ser parte de una actividad de música y conciencia, donde contaremos con la presencia de excelentes músicos de medicina, estos son:

@joseacabrerav @cabelindsay @hijodelsol @esparta @yakoocordero @naradamoon


In the activity we will make the Official Launch of @adiwathrive, a project where the energies of @auelitairene, @drrune @neyxirncn @acurewa and @joseacabrerav will be co-creating digital spaces for the growth of the community

En la actividad haremos el Lanzamiento Oficial de @adiwathrive, un proyecto donde las energías de @auelitairene, @drrune @neyxirncn @acurewa y @joseacabrerav estarán co-creando espacios digitales para el crecimiento de la comunidad


When: Friday, July 10th at 11PM UTC

Where: Discord of NaturalMedicine

Cuando: Viernes, 10 de Julio a las 11PM UTC

Donde: Discord de NaturalMedicine

Equipo de trabajo:

@auelitairene: Flyer/Diseño @joseacabrerav: Producer/Musician. @acurewa and @neyxirncn: Live English/Spanish host @drrune: English/Spanish text moderator

Let's thrive together!


You could always support our musicians trough HiveTips at their HiveWallets

Reblog // Crosspost appreciated!


Excelente concierto! Nos vemos ahí, cuenten conmigo para lo que necesiten!

Excellent way to launch Adiwa Thrive!
Looking forward to the celebration and concert!
See you in the Natural Medicine Discord!

beautifull to count with your pressence! settling things down with musicians to made a special day! (:

That is awesome!

hope you could join us and spent a great vibe @dswigle!

This post has been manually curated by artemisshares.png

You can view the post Here. Thanks for creating consistently good content on Hive.

Yeee atento al concierto para brindar amor a través de la vibración de la música consciente

Soooo looking forward to this concert. 😍

It has the total best selection of musicians + the best community ever @naturalmedicine will be the Discord host. 💚

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¡¡¡Te esperamos!!!