My presentation story.

in #naturalmedicine4 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of the hiveblog community, it is a pleasure for me to greet you. My name is Maria Fernanda Rosal, I am a girl from the land that with tears liberated half a continent of Latin America (Venezuela). I was born on July 3, 2000 in the city of Maturin, Monagas State.


One of the things I am most passionate about is traveling, but not as everyone thinks. I have visited many countries, I have visited the galaxies, I have experienced among fauna and life that commonly with our eyes we cannot see. I have been lost between waterfalls and forests, between wars and alliances, but from all of them I have taken experiences and all this without leaving four walls. I have understood that with a book you can travel to unimaginable places.

I am so passionate about writing that I can express myself freely through it, it is like a friend to whom you tell your most intimate secrets. In it I can be a heroine or a villain, fall in love or break my heart into a thousand pieces.

  • "Her: How do you overcome writer's block?
  • Him: How so?
  • Her: How do you make your readers shed tears between the lines?
  • Him: Oh, that. You have to be broken to be able to do that. "

This is just a small excerpt from a friend's book-in-progress.

I like photography, since I was a child I have been interested in immortalizing moments. I am a fan of albums, I like to make collages and edit photos. "The October sky is not equal to the December sky."

I like to surpass myself and help other people to find their true path, their destiny.

I am a faithful believer of a superior force capable of being able to give life with a simple breath, I believe it dwells in everything, and is in everything. I believe in a universe interconnected by the great Jehova. For me everything is a cycle and each one of us is part of it.

These ties led me to leave my homeland, for me it was something new to move to another state, I am currently in the State of Sucre, Cumana. At the age of 17 I graduated from high school and this caused a series of changes in my life, but who is prepared for this new stage? A series of factors occurred in my home, my mother went through a series of stages that destabilized her emotionally, it was very hard for me to observe her in that situation, I am not very fond of changes, but I have understood that they are necessary. It was no longer the same to talk to her, one day I was talking to her and she expressed to me that inside her there were voices telling her that she was nobody. I understood the martyrdom she was going through, anyone in that situation wants to talk to you or give you advice, but they don't know how delicate that point is, so I kept quiet.


Talking to a suicidal person is not so easy and even less to live with one of them, anyone who is going through a similar situation will feel identified with these words, but from my point of view, depression is not a disease that we can cure with simple pills, it goes beyond that. Currently I still live with her and what has kept her stable are the things that I used to stop doing for her, what we call "small details", phrases like: "I am proud of you". Love is undoubtedly a power that even as humans we do not know, but we certainly possess, with it we can change even the very course of a story.


That is why I urge you to recover those values that we once put into practice and consider the capacity and magnitude that our words possess. That is why today I want to show you these simple images of a cloudy sky, it is up to you how to interpret them and what memories they take you to, but whatever your situation is, you are worth more than that. It is inevitable to feel pain in this world but the capacity to suffer, that is up to you to decide, believe me, death is not a liberation, but neither is life.


All images uploaded in this post are my property and you can use them as you wish on HiveBlog.

Social Media.



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bienvenida a la colmena Maria fernanda! Espero que disfrutes mucho de esta comunidad y su excelente contenido! te deseo todo el exito del mundo!

Muchas gracias!

Te doy la bienvenida a esta hermosa plataforma sin duda hermosas fotos, como no amar el cielo y sus misterios, toda persona pasa por etapas y son necesarias en esta vida. Pues por ella eres la persona que eres ahora. La depresión son temas controversiales y delicados pero expones un amplio mundo desde tu perspectiva, no tengo familiares en esa condición pero sin duda debe ser agobiante esa situación.

Sin mas que decir, me complace leer que eres fiel creyente de un universo conectado por Jehova, respetando las creencias de cada quien cada uno es libre. Gracias por citar una pequeña porción de mi historia, también creo que la liberación es un estado espiritual y no físico adonde vayas si no estas en sintonia contigo mismo seguirás siendo esclavo de tus pensamientos aun fuera de este mundo, es mi pensar.

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