In Oz, the job of a GP is a high pressure one. There are so many requirements to be met just to keep a practice running, most of those created by the government and insurance companies who are more interested in risk management than healing. To them, every patient is a threat of litigation, not someone who is on need of healing.
To me, the dumbest thing is the 'sick note'. To have time off of work and still get paid, you have to waste a GP's time so that the employer can be sure you're not scamming them. If you turn up at a GP asking for a sick note, they are pretty well obliged to give you one in case the ailment gets more serious and causes more legal problems. Stupidity
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I can relate, it's the same in the States, and for the same inane and counterproductive reasons.
More to the point, American medical schools are almost exclusively funded by Big Pharma, and were actually set up by them back in the day, and they have consistently painted all alternative (read: natural and non-petroleum based) medicines and remedies as suspect, unscientific, and just plain bad medicine.
And, in spite of reams of excellent clinical data proving otherwise, that is still the stance of most doctors and insurers.
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