So a very dear, close friend of mine is a lead researcher into breast cancer. They had some very big news a couple of years ago, I wish I could remember the exact study it was so I could share it... doesn't matter....
Anyway... I've been coaching them in the background with the Chinese Medicine understanding of the breasts and how they work and why they work and whatnot... so I can kinda say I helped influence the direction of the study...
Anyway, it's all to do with what is called the Chōng mài, which begins in the womb, goes up the centre of the body and spreads out into the breasts, and up into the face.
It's said that it fills up slowly, and then drains monthly - menstruation.
But in pregnancy, there is no draining. It fills up and up, like a reservoir, and fills the breasts. Then it is emptied through breast-feeding after childbirth.
Breast-milk is considered jīng, Essence, as is menstrual blood.
There is a lowered incidence of breast cancer in women who breast-feed and have regular monthly flow.
So yeah, breast-feeding is preventative for mum as well as bubs!!!!!
that makes so much sense, our bodies are made for certain things and we are meant to keep our lives and bodies in flow, to keep the energy moving. Thank you @metametheus, it is always great to see you drop by xxx