This is the second snapping turtle I've seen at the woods. I think I wanna eat it...
Did you know you can eat turtles? Have you ever eaten one? Do you know how?
I'm going to be researching it. I wonder if it tasted like alligator.
The closer we get to eating wild food, the better the food is for us. It's raised in it's natural place, eaten it's natural diet, and lived a natural life. Cultivated plants and animals, while we can obviously survive on them, lack that connection to place that we get from eating locally sourced foods.
Native peoples used to eat snapping turtles. They're an easy catch, and they're prolific. That sustenance from a wild setting is something we've lost connection with in our modern lives. Who knows where that burger came from, or how it was raised? Who knows where or how that dumbed-down domesticated lettuce was grown? The closer these creatures get to being wild grown, the higher their nutritious value to us.
See Al those little wild fishes? That's what this turtle eats. I can eat those too, fresh out of the pond. And I can eat the native pecans and peaches growing along the banks. With a little work, this landscape will be able to support a lot of people.
More coming soon, just wanted to slap something up real quick. I still need to upload the video from lastreal life (ew), I guess I've been pretty busy... week! Eeks, so much busy with all the @naturalmedicine front end and LOTUS token stuff! Between that and
Toodles, back to doing things!
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Good eating, delicate white meat I have heard. Pretty laborious to butcher but the size of the one if your pic would be worth it. Be careful with humane dispatch so you don't lose a thumb--it is very easy if you know what you are doing. Snapping turtles have actually had a huge comeback: they used to be pretty rare in much of the USA due to pollutants and are a success story of environmental protection.
Bro, they taste terrible! Turtle soup is a big thing where I come from and although I have tried it many times, not once did I enjoy it! LoL.. Good luck in your adventures tho 😉
Turtle soup sounds awful. Loving your little wild adventures!!! Xxxx
Oh man, I cannot imagine killing a turtle. I hope I never find myself in a position where I feel I have to.
I've eaten turtle soup before, not the greatest. I prefer alligator for dinosaur meat.
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