Natural medicines are more than just 'fixes' for what ails us, in the way a paracetamol might be. They contain stories of who we are - our ancestors, our culture, and our core selves are linked to the healing we choose and use. Some of us can't use plant medicine without thinking of a grandmother who used that plant in some way when they were small. Some of us meditate with stories of Kali or Durga or Sarawati in the centre of our third eye, Hindu goddesses that guide us through difficult times. Some stories are stories of suffering and hardship - a rose planted on a grave, a twig of rosemary to remember the fallen. Some stories are new stories, ones that we ourselves might tell our children - the magical hawthorn planted over the placenta planted after their birth, a lesson about the calming affects of lavender as they go to sleep at night, the tree that their parents kissed under for the first time.
Sometimes it's the stories themselves that lead us to the medicine.
Sometimes stories inspire us to get well.
Sometimes the story is still being told, as we learn, grow and heal through our medicine pathways.
This challenge asks you to write about the topic:
Medicine Story
It doesn't have to be your story, although we'd dearly love to read yours. Some other ideas might be:
- Write about the mythology associated with a particular plant or practice
- Research and write about the appearance of herbs in certain literature
- Explore the story of a Goddess or a God in a particular culture and the healing lessons she might bring
- Explore your ancestral stories about plant or other natural medicines
- Write a creative story or a poem that tells a natural medicine story
- Write about your own natural medicine story
A few guidelines
- Please use the tag #naturalmedicine
- Comment with a link to your posts in the comments below so we don't miss it
- Original writing and photos please - if no original photos, please source them
- Resteem this post if you can - let's fill the Steem blockchain with stories
Have you got a medicine story to tell?
What natural medicine stories have inspired you?

Here's my entry on Black Mulberry medicine. :)
Okay, here is my entry :) I hope you enjoy it AND the pun :D
It is called: Everybody Nose Comfrey Heals Bones
Really cool prompt and project! Here's my entry: Asclepius, and the Food That Wasn't
all my best,
The Million Things
Haa.....I managed to put some of my thoughts and experiences on this one My natural medication is "Meditation"!. 🧘🏼♂️🧘🏼♀️
I know it says writing, but I made a video cos that's how I roll lol Even if I don't get entered, still showing support! <3
Ahhhh..... you know, this is how my path deviated from Archaeology and Anthropology into Natural Medicine.
Thinking and feeling hat is on, I’ll meditate on this. Is there a due date?
Due date is 6th of July. I can't wait to hear your story - I did have you in mind as I wrote out this post!
I feel warm and lovely and healing just reading this post.... cos I KNOW the stories will uplift and encourage and inform more than all the "how to" posts ever will. Lovely. Resteemed.
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Exactly! We learn through stories - we're hard wired for it. How to posts are fine, but without a story they lack lustre and shine.
Oh, I know exactly what I'm going to write about,. I was browsing my thoughts and it hit me, the perfect natural medicine story.👃(Oh, the pun I just realised I wrote haha)
Posted using Partiko Android
Amazing, How many days do I have for this - one week or two weeks time?
Due date is 6th of July! :)
yaayy enough time.
loving this challenge xxx
This is not a happy story, but it is an important medical story.
@naturalmedicine, Kindly find my piece below.
Have an amazing time ahead team. Stay blessed.
Posted using Partiko Android
Nice proposal @naturalmedecine !
I will start ready others entries :)) Can wait to know all those secrets 🌱😍 !
Here is mine : Fire Cutters & Magnetizers : My Healing Memory - Natural Medicine Stories I hope you'll enjoy it ;)
I hope we are still collecting stories! I'll get to the rest of these stories soon, but thank you all for writing them.
oopsie! I see I already left a medical story here! I have a lot of them.
Here is my entry :
Great challenge ;) here is my entry:
here is my entry xx xxx
Here is my Natural Medicine story This is my entry for the challenge!! Almost missed it! Hugs for you all ;x;x
I think I got it out in time!
Here's mine.... just in the nick of time....
I hope this is coming to you under the wire. Thank you so much for the contest.