The Natural Medicine Bi-Weekly Newsletter #1


Welcome to the first edition of the Natural Medicine newsletter, where we aim to be transparent about what's happening on the @naturalmedicine account. We aim to update all members, new members and beautiful Steemfolk in general with the activity here - and welcome you to comment below with how you are finding the NM experience, suggestions for additions or changes, or just generally grace us with your gorgeous presence with some love and support!



@tribesteemup has been instrumental in bringing up our VP so we can spread the Natural Medicine love. They have delegated 3,333,333 VESTS to @earthtribe, 3,333,333 VESTS to @ecotrain and 3,333,333 VESTS to @naturalmedicine. Each account adheres to similar values, so we're super proud to be the recipient of such a bounty and it enables us to keep doing what we are doing and supporting you guys.

They have also followed our curation trail (if you're not sure how to follow a curation trail, click here) at a 0.5% up-vote, so whatever we vote on, so does TSU, so that's a big bonus for you. TSU follows with a 1 minute delay, meaning that if you follow the @naturalmedicine trail, you'll get some curation rewards as well as supporting great content.

here.@riverflows has also upped her delegation to 500 SP as she super believes in this and wants to give back to the Steem blockchain in this way, supporting a great project. Other delegators also should be hugged, kissed and generally loved and supported for their delegations - @sagescrub, @eftnow, @mountainjewel, @holisticmom, @wildlocusthoney, @artemislives, @kenistyles, @freedomtribe, and @eftnow. We hope we haven't missed anyone - it's hard to keep up! If you want to delegate, any amount is welcomed and to do so, you can click

Discord Action

We're pretty proud of our server. We have a great archive section where you can dump both new posts and old - the idea is to build up a repository of knowledge so you can search remedies and even ailments to find the information you're looking for.

We've also got our own emoji - what fun! - inspired by @richardcrill over at @freedomtribe.

We've also got a wonderful rule that you have to comment on at least ONE other post above you in postpromotion. No more dropping and running without care for others in the collective! It's a great way to get to know each other and support each other!


The Interview Sessions

Man, the interview sessions are so much fun. The first week featured @crescendoofpeace and her ravings about water kefir. This week it's a great one with @ofsedgeandsalt, and we've got a yoga one coming up for next week too, which @riverflows and @kristaluton are deep in conversation about! They're a lot of fun (ask @ofsedgeandsalt or @kristaluton!) and are easy to participate in. If you'd like to be interviewed, let us know. The aim is to have dialogue with those involved in natural therapies - you don't need to be a professional at all, just an enthusiast.


Check out the latest interview here about experiental botany and life on the road interacting with natural remedies.

The Natural Medicine Challenge

here and Week 1 Entries hereThis account runs a contest every two weeks, and the prize currently is about 10 steem which gets divided up with the best 2 to 5 entrants. It's judged by @mountainjewel, @holisticmom and @riverflows. Entries close August 4th - we're in the second week now, so still a few days to get your post in. Don't forget to tag it with #naturalmedicine as your first tag. You can find the original post


The Unearthed Iniaitive

Deadpost initiativeInspired by @whatamidoing and his , which brings new support for old posts that may not have got a lot of payout, this project 'unearths' your old posts and brings new life to them. You also recieve 2 Steem for this, without doing a thing! How good is that! So far we've featured @sagescrub, @walkerland and @goldenoakfarm. If you'd like to unearth your posts, drop us the link in Discord. You should ensure that:

  • They are at least a month old
  • They are well produced and well laid out with content and photographs
  • They're related to natural medicine
  • They're your own work
  • and they didn't receive much payout on first publication.

We love the Unearthed posts as they bring NM knowledge to the forefront when it may have sadly been missed the first time around.

You might notice that on the initial project image, we suggested you'd get SBD payout, but that's not the way steempayouts are working at the moment. Due to generous upvotes and delegations (thanks @tribesteemup, @earthtribe, @freedomtribe, @smg and @canadian-coconut), 2 Steem sounds like a pretty fair prize at the moment and we're stoked we can support you in that way.

Cross Pollinations

One of the most exciting things about what's happening on the Steem blockchain at the moment is the cross pollination of ideas from blog to blog, Discord to Discord, and hashtag to hashtag! It's a living example of how working together makes us stronger, and how we all learn and grow from each other.

I Have Anxiety Too

her own competitionA Cross Pollination between @mountainjewel, @naturalmedicine and @sndbox - what's not to love! @mountainjewel's entry to the challenge this week also asks us to enter which promotes a #sndbox question about what makes an effective hashtag. She invites us to write a post BOTH using the #naturalmedicine tag and #ihaveanxietytoo, detailing your journey with anxiety and what natural healing you've used to help deal with it. We highly recommend you enter this challenge!


She writes:

In the spirit of talking more about taboo subjects like having anxiety, I am creating the hashtag and asking you, dear reader, to share what works for you to lessen or work with your anxiety.
#ihaveanxiety too is created for all of us:
- So that we don't feel alone and also
- So we can help one another by sharing what works for us
- And in hopes that we can normalize the experience of anxiety and lessen its taboo status
- I will reward the top 3 posts with Steem (and make it worth your while with 3 Steem a piece!)


fabulous newsletter this week detailing what's been going on in their Discord and general tribe updates - (we love love love this account, promoting love, freedom and on the blockchain), which was the inspiration for this newsletter. What a great idea!@freedomtribe published a


Welcoming New Members

This week we published a post outlining the introductions of new members to the tribe, and we'll do that every time we hit a certain amount of introductions in Discord. It's a great way to get to know what people are about. We'd love to see you there!

Hope you enjoyed our update - please feel free to comment with advice, accolades, or anything you like to contribute to this post!

Have a beautiful, beautiful day - and a beautiful weekend too!



there was such a need for this focus on the blockchaini love natural medicine and am so proud of what we have created (but let's be honest, mostly @riverflows at the helm!! muah!) thus far and i know it will only grow and expand. and i'm thankful and honored to be a part. such exciting news. thanks for sharing the newsletter and look forward to sharing and learning much more #naturalmedicine goodness! also, thanks for the shoutout for my #ihaveanxietytoo tag xo!

It's all about the cross pollination, baby!! Unity in the blockchain!

wow that is one jam packed newsletter full of natural goodness. I am so happy and excited to be part of this community and all that it brings to the platform, much love and respect to you 3 ladies for all the work that goes on behind the scenes, big up @riverflows you are a superstar earth mama xxx

So glad you enjoyed it - once we started putting it together, we realised how much had been going on!!! Fabulous stuff, and so proud we can support this stuff on the blockchain!

It is most definitely STEEMING with energy over at @naturalmedicine Pleased to support, contribute, delegate and promote. Much gratitude.

You are welcome, @artemislives, and thanks so much for your support.

Great initiative, I'll be following :D

Great newsletter and I love being involved with this group x

I am in awe with how natural medicine has taken off. Very grateful to @riverflows for all the hard work she has put in to making it come alive. This newsletter is amazing and packed full of yummy goodness! 🤗🤗❤ big big thank you to everyone who has been holding the thought and keeping the dream alive. ❤

🤖 Congratulations! You've been featured in our new @SMG co-curators digest. Thanks for being one of our cherished authors. See how much we love and appreciate you here: